By Chris Johnson


PECATONICA – On Monday, Jan. 26, the Pecatonica Board of Education met with discussion surfacing on a plan to implement an option to assist students who are looking to receive credit for a course, which they had previously failed, one that would be necessary for graduation.

The High School Credit Recovery Program could give students the opportunity to “catch up” and stay on track to accumulate the number of credits necessary to graduate at the end of their senior year.

Credit recovery courses in English, Mathematics and Science could be provided in various ways, according to information received through a report viewed at the Center for Public Education’s website. Class time could be offered pre-school or after the regular session has ended. Off-campus courses could be utilized or online campaigns could be conducted. Implementation of the program, through whichever means, is expected to assure that extra help could be offered to the student; encouraging them to get the grade and move forward.

A certain number of credits are required, with core courses in English, Mathematics and Science, necessary before a student can graduate. If the student fails a course, they may have the option to attempt to take it again, through their decision to investigate credit recovery courses. It is an extra effort, a chance for a student to catch up when a previous situation may have prevented it according to information from Monday’s meeting.

The Illinois State Board of Education features information on credit recovery programs on their website,

The Board was also informed that an adjustment had to be made as to how information was presented regarding a transfer of funds. According to reports, action was taken to correct a motion from Dec. 2014, in which an approved transfer of $170,000 was done from the working cash fund, not from the operations and maintenance fund, as previously reported. The funds were moved to the bond and interest fund in accordance with the abatement resolution passed in March of 2014.

A second reading was held on a resolution authorizing the school district’s participation in the Illinois Benefit Education Consortium, a roll call and vote was required.

The Board further approved a resolution for Vision 20/20, a program which is designed to attempt to have a positive impact on the younger students, with the goal of changing perception of the ability to make a difference. The information on Vision 20/20 can be found at the informational website,

Some of the hopes of the program wrap around a new emphasis on assuring that all children have the right to the highest quality education, regardless of race or economic status. It also works on the collaboration attempts and successes of larger groups of students, compared to how one student alone is affected.

The Board accepted the resignation of Middle School Secretary Helen Dahl and hired Jill Folk as School Social Worker for the 2015-2016 school year. Kim Nesemeier was also selected as Speech Pathologist for the upcoming school year and Sara Kuperus was hired as School Psychologist for the 2015-2016 season. Administration was also authorized to seek an additional Special Education Teacher for next year.

The Pecatonica School Board exited into Executive Session for discussion on issues pertaining to student disciplinary cases and litigation. The Board will meet next on Monday, Feb. 23 at 7 p.m.

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