WHS Culinary Art students Kaycia Zimmerman, Skyler Youngren, Teagan Ferguson, Ali Lowtharp, Jolene Weerda, Maddy Cox and Mrs. Erickson prepared and attended the Winnebago Area Chamber of Commerce Event in the WHS Library.

WHS Library hosts Winnebago Chamber of Commerce After Hours
By Staci Thompson
On Wednesday, May 15 the Winnebago High School Library hosted the Winnebago Area Chamber of Commerce After Hours event from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
This was a special Winnebago Area Chamber of Commerce After Hours event because it is specifically joining three influential Winnebago area groups, which include the Winnebago Area Chamber of Commerce members, the Winnebago CUSD #323 School Board members, and the Winnebago Foundation of Educational Excellence, together to celebrate the culmination of the Winnebago High School library renovation project and hear an update on Winnebago CUSD #323 Referendum & Strategic Plan update.
In January 2018, the Winnebago Foundation of Educational Excellence (FEE) granted $6,000 to the WHS Library to financially support a project based learning project between the WHS Library and the Construction Level 2 class. The renovation included a brand new library circulation desk and bookshelf countertop that was designed and built by WHS Students.
Additionally, the funds supported creating a space for redesigning a Collaboration Room and adding a Makerspace that included a 3D Printer, Cricut and Sewing Machine as featured tools for students use. This special event will recognize the Foundation of Educational Excellence for their financial contribution towards renovating the WHS Library into a 21st century learning environment.
WHS students from the Career and Technical Education Department practiced their networking skills with Chamber Members and those in attendance in regards to the Career Readiness Programs they participate in, as well as students who helped with the renovation and use the Makerspace. WHS Culinary Arts prepared Hawaiian Pulled Pork, Asian Coleslaw, Veggie Pizza and Scotcharoos to showcase their culinary skills
At 6:15 p.m. there was a short presentation that included a brief recap by Staci Thompson, Winnebago CUSD #323 school librarian regarding the WHS Library Renovation and special recognition of FEE (Foundation of Educational Excellence) for their $6,000 donation towards the project.
Additionally, Dr. John Schwuchow  shared a Referendum & Strategic Facilities Planning Update. Thank you to the Winnebago Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to host this event and share updates regarding our school district.

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