By Chris Johnson


PECATONICA – The Pecatonica Committee of the Whole, meeting in regular session on Thursday, July 2, discussed the need to follow regulations and schedule an inspection of the municipal water tower.

Village President Dan Barber, acting in the capacity as Committee Member, discussed the importance of assuring the Village is doing all it can to continue to protect its residents.

“One of the things we have to get done and we are supposed to do on a pretty regular basis, is be sure to inspect our water tank. We have to be sure that we are providing our residents with safe drinking water. We are talking about an issue of public safety. We have to get some work done on our water tank, we have to be sure that we can provide safe water to our residents.”

Barber said the importance of assuring the need to be on top of potential issues couldn’t be overstated. There are regulations in place which demand municipalities do certain things.

“We have to be sure that our residents are safe. We have to maintain our water tanks and our water towers and our pipes. The regulations state we need to be getting our water tower inspected on a fairly regular basis. We have a responsibility to our residents.”

Information obtained through documents on file with the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water requires that inspections be performed to evaluate the current condition of storage facility components. The necessity of the action being taken is supported by the water industry and documents indicate a comprehensive investigation of tanks and other systems be conducted at least once every three years. The inspections could often require the structure being removed from service and drained. Another option could be the use of a robotic device or diver. Various Committee Members were against the idea of sending a diver into the tank as support for a possible drawdown surfaced.

Various dive companies have been approached as quotes were collected for the work, which has to be done, in order to be in support of regulations. The diver would physically enter the tank and search the interior of the structure for any possible areas of concern.

Other options could include a drawdown, where the water level would be lowered, pumps would then be put into use to assure water pressure would remain intact.

The issue will require approval from the Village Board, if an option chosen, exceeds the physical spending limit put into place at the Committee Level.

The choice to be made will be influenced by cost, but the work has to get done, as Barber expressed.

“Public Safety is our responsibility. We have to provide safe, clean drinking water. We have to provide wastewater removal and treatment services. We have to get the inspection done, no matter how. The work has to be done. It will be however the Members decide.”

Water service issues are expected to be discussed again during the next regular meeting of Village Trustees, along with other issues involving possible work on mains and roadways within the Village’s oversight.

The Village Board will meet next on Tuesday, July 21 at 6 p.m.

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