Archive for: July, 2018

Area Korean War vet recalls his Army days

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Howard is pictured, along with daughter Diane, U.S. servicemen and officers, along with South Korean officers recently when honored in South Korea.

Howard was sent to Korea early on where, one of his duties, he recalls, was training 12 South Korean soldiers as artillery officers.


Nature Trivia Night matches library and conservation district

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Nature Trivia Night winners of Team Prairie Chickens: (Left to right) Jenny and Nick Sheppard, Jonathan and Cooper Tobin.

They picked a perfect evening to hold an event when they chose Wednesday, July 11 to hold their first Nature Trivia Night at Spencer Conservation Area. With s’mores and Kool-Aid as refreshments, the Ida Public Library and the Boone County Conservation District (BCCD) teamed up to bring people outside and into nature with an event enjoyed by both young and old.


Honoring local servicemen who died in Korea: Korean War Memorial to be rededicated

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	The area Korean War Veterans Memorial, which is located in the Art Anderson Field of Honor adjacent to the Loves Park City Hall complex.

Area Korean War veterans got together in 2001 to talk about having a Memorial erected locally to honor those area servicemen who gave their lives or went Missing in Action during the Korean War Conflict.


Candlewick Lake Independence Day celebration

BARB APPELHANS PHOTOS Belvidere Daily Republican Children decorated their bikes and joined in the parade.

Candlewick Lake celebrated the 4th of July on the July 7 this year.


World-renowned sculptor Jon Critchfield carving unique wood sculpture

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	The Belvidere Cone behind Dari Ripple was completed in time for Heritage Days and is a great place to #MeetMeByTheCone in downtown Belvidere.

Critchfield collaborated the ice cream cone project with Bob Coleman, another local artist that he has known since high school. The final touch was provided by Troy Yunk when he painted the sculpture in ice cream colors and added bright sprinkles.


7/11/18 Shopper’s Guide

7/11/18 Shopper’s Guide



7/11/18 Scoop Today

7/11/18 Scoop Today



7/12/18 West Shopper

7/12/18 West Shopper



7/12/18 East Shopper

7/12/18 East Shopper



7/12/18 Cherry Valley Shopper

7/12/18 Cherry Valley Shopper
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