Archive for: October, 2018
Open House planned at Belvidere Fire Dept.
“We are expecting a nice turnout,” said Chief Hyser, “especially if the weather cooperates. If we are lucky, a helicopter will land close by later in the afternoon.”
Citizen’s Police Academy, Session 6 – Use of Force
“I believe that most cops are good people and want to do the right thing,” he said. “When it comes to force, there is just no way to make it look good.”
Virtual Dementia Tour drew caregivers to Keen Age Center
The Virtual Dementia Tour uses educational resources and sensory stimulation to provide family and professional caregivers a way to experience the challenges faced by those living with dementia.
State Regent visits Asa Cottrell Chapter DAR
“Our chapter, which will soon be celebrating its 100th anniversary, carries out the important mission of the National Society here on the local level,”