2020 Young at Heart Queen and Princesses crowned in private ceremony

The 2019 Young at Heart Court (left) joins the 2020 Young at Heart Court (right). (Not pictured: 2019 Queen Kaeligh Swafford.)
By Anne Eickstadt
The Young at Heart events were cancelled this year to maintain good health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. This included the Young at Heart Queen competitions as well to keep the young ladies safe and healthy as well.
“The results were so close last year,” said Kathy McMasters, Young at Heart Queen Competition organizer. ”We decided to make the runners-up from last year the Court this year.”
The young ladies were invited to the Pavilion behind the Loves Park City Hall for an intimate crowning ceremony with immediate families only.
2019 Queen Kaeligh Swafford was recently exposed to COVID-19 and, while she feels healthy and shows no signs of COVID-19, discussions were held to see if she would take part in crowning her successor. With ‘better safe than sorry’ in mind, she stayed in quarantine away from the ceremony and Kathy McMasters herself, crowned the 2020 Queen.
The 2020 Young at Heart Queen’s Court is comprised of:
Queen Aliah Elizabeth Lask, now in 11th Grade at Boylan High School
Senior Princess Tyashanique Asia Wall, now in 8th Grade at Harlem Middle School
Junior Princess Savannah Nicole Peterson, attending 6th Grade at All Saints Catholic School
Petite Princess Lylliahna Myshalla Petty, now at 3rd Grade at Haskell Elementary
Mini Princess Makenna Payge Graves, now attending 1st Grade at Marquette Elementary
Advice given by the 2019 Court to the new 2020 Court included comments such as: “You’ll be busy.” “Be humble.” “Be confident and have fun.” and “You get out of it what you put into it. You will make great business contacts.”
“I don’t know how much they will be doing,” McMasters said. “But the Queen and Princesses will be attending such events as they can.
“Next year will be our 50th Young at Heart events and ceremonies. Hopefully COVID-19 will be under control by then.”
Thank you, 2019 Court members for all your wonderful efforts this past year:
Queen Kaeligh Swafford
Senior Princess Madison Hawn
Junior Princess Sara Djurovic
Petite Princess Nya Anderson
Mini Princess Leanne Swinbank
Your availability, time, and hard work are greatly appreciated.