39th annual Rockton Christmas Walk filled community with magical holiday spirit

Dancers from Miss Andrea’s Dance Factory sold baked goods and sang Christmas carols on Saturday.
Rockton was filled with magical holiday spirit during the 39th annual Rockton Christmas Walk, which started Dec.1 and concluded on Dec. 3.
Settlers Park came alive with sounds of the season sung by The Willowbrook Middle School Choir.
A Christmas tree, a nutcracker, and a gingerbread character, (all in an inflatable form) gave warm greetings prior to the inaugural lighting of Rockton’s newest, stunning Christmas tree.
Christmas Walk organizer, Tricia Diduch welcomed everyone and gave special thanks to this year’s sponsors, sending a special note of gratitude to The 2023 Grand Marshal Sponsor – Benchmark Exteriors.
Village President John Peterson said, “It has been a dream of mine for a long time to have displays and to have a special tree lighting at this park.” Peterson gave special recognition to Diduch for the many hours of hard work and dedication to this event.
All around Settler’s Park eye-catching displays have been created by local businesses, or organizations, all ready to last spark Christmas spirit.
Following Friday evening’s lighting at Settlers Park the Rockton American Legion, (American Center) welcomed a full house to a sold out Dueling Pianos show. Dueling pianos featured a duet of two male piano players who played different genres of music, while taking requests. “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” was also performed.
The winner of the ugly sweater contest donned a Santa themed outfit.
Rockton bars welcomed huge crowds to the sixth annual Ugly Sweater Pub Crawl. Friends gathered and caught up with each other. Participants had a chance of winning one of seven prizes.
Santa Claus’s first visit was at the Lions Club pancake breakfast at the American Legion. As he entered an exciting introduction spurred on lots of applause. Santa listened to wishes of little ones and young at heart.
Talcott Library hosted their annual book sale. Rockton United Methodist Church, Rockton Township Historical Society and The Universalist Congregation of Rock Valley had bake sales, craft and unique sales.
Miss Andrea’s Dance Factory did well at their bake sale in addition to keeping the Christmas spirit alive by singing Christmas carols, all in front of DeeDees Coffee and Decor. Proceeds are earmarked to support MADF’S competition dance team.
Little ones wrote a letter to Santa at Financial Advisor Brenda Brugger office. After letters were finished they were placed in a mailbox outside the office. Each will receive a return letter from Santa.
“Letters to Santa look at Christmas through the eyes of a child,” Brugger said.
Sights of the season were seen on two horse drawn wagon rides.
Santa made his second stop at the Rockton Village Hall on Saturday. Memories were captured through photos.
One hour of holiday songs featured the River City Chorus Sweet Adelines inside After the Vine.
A barbershop chorus blended harmony and melodies outside and inside of Sugar Britches, and in various locations, sending chills while sharing their talent.
Imaginations soared at Jill Rae Finally Art through painting a charming plaster figurine, either a reindeer, snowman or a gnome.
Katie Cronin is fondly remembered by a grateful community for her many years of leadership in decorating the Village Green Park with the “Our Town Committee.
Cronin’s family included six of Katie’s children, six grandchildren with a total of 19 who traveled, which includes spouses, and girlfriends or boyfriends from seven states. All came together to pay tribute.
Katie’s granddaughter Sarah Reiterate read a dedication poem in loving memory. Immediately afterward Katie’s Tree was lit. All of the kids who were at the park were invited to hang ornaments and to help the family decorate the tree.
This year marks the 20th year since Katie Cronin’s passing. In loving memory and in honor her family has sponsored luminary, and are planning to keep this tradition going for years to come.
The Cronin family would like to extend special thanks to everyone who came to the event and add a special note of gratitude to all of the people who helped to decorate Katie’s Tree.
Making this year extra special was a proposal by Katie’s tree by her Grandson Adam from Ohio to his now-fiancé Carin.
Thousands of spectators lined the parade route anxiously awaiting for the Lighted Christmas parade. Lighted floats generated lots of color and splendor. Businesses, youth organizations, local media, churches, Rockton Pride, horses and ponies, SMTD, and spectacular floats, some with a bubble machine or special effects captured great attention. The Grinch, Frosty, or other beloved characters rode on floats, delighting all in the 50-minute parade. Santa waved happily as he rode in the fire ladder truck at the end of the route.
Wimpy’s Fund Auction took place online and in person after the parade. The Rockton American Legion was full of baskets and cool pieces to bid on in support of the Rockton Lions Club giving back to area families in need with Christmas presents, clothing, and food.
Macktown Living History hosted 19th century ornament making and a lighted walk to the Mack House. As a bonus they celebrated with a bonfire, Christmas carols and refreshments in the evening.
Hot cocoa lovers had a real treat as they tasted different flavors of hot chocolate from five downtown locations at the hot cocoa crawl. Each participant purchased a commemorative mug and had the chance to vote for a favorite flavor.
New this year is a family friendly scavenger hunt. Clues were given on cleverly worded posters, starting at the Village Hall. Ornaments reading “39th Annual Christmas Walk” were given to the first 500 participants courtesy of Members Alliance Credit Union.
All weekend local businesses were open and welcomed a steady flow of customers.
Rockton’s 39th Annual Christmas Walk started the season off in full spirit as they created Christmas magic.