By Anne Eickstadt

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
Nature Trivia Night winners of Team Prairie Chickens: (Left to right) Jenny and Nick Sheppard, Jonathan and Cooper Tobin.


They picked a perfect evening to hold an event when they chose Wednesday, July 11 to hold their first Nature Trivia Night at Spencer Conservation Area. With s’mores and Kool-Aid as refreshments, the Ida Public Library and the Boone County Conservation District (BCCD) teamed up to bring people outside and into nature with an event enjoyed by both young and old.

Several teams of up to five persons each chose fun, nature-themed names and pitted their knowledge of nature against each other. Karen Kane of the Ida Public Library laid out the rules of the game while Tina Dawson, BCCD Education/Camp Director passed out paper and pencils. There were five rounds, each round containing ten questions regarding nature. No cell phones or cheating were allowed.

Karen read the questions and Tina tabulated each completed round. Each correct answer received one point. The team with the most points was the winner. In case of a tie at the end, a tiebreaker question would be asked. Some very nice prizes were at stake so the teams were determined to do their best.

The questions were not always easy. If you missed Nature Trivia Night to stay inside and watch television on such a beautiful summer evening, here is what you missed:

Pull out a piece of paper and a pencil and pit your knowledge against the winners.

Round One: Mammals

  1. Name three characteristics of a mammal.
  2. What is the Illinois state mammal?
  3. What is the only mammal that can actually fly?
  4. What is a marsupial?
  5. What is the only marsupial in North America?
  6. What is the largest living mammal? Be specific.
  7. What is the fastest mammal?
  8. Which of the following is NOT an endangered animal? Polar Bear; Manatee; Bobcat
  9. How many species of animals are there? 40; 400; 4000
  10. How long have mammals existed on earth? 2 million years; 20 million years; 200 million years

Right off the bat, three teams were tied during the game – Prairie Chickens, Bambi Claws, and Terrible Turtles with nine out of ten points.

Round One Answers:

1. Live babies, warm-blooded; fur/hair; vertebrates, milk 2. White-tailed…

for complete article, pick up the July 18 BDR.

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