A Highland student welcomes guests to Leadership Day.

On April 21, Highland Elementary in the Meridian CUSD 223 school district celebrated their 4th annual leadership day.

Leadership day is a celebration of all of the work that students and staff have done throughout the year and showcases the leadership and ownership that students take within the school.

Highland is one of multiple schools within the Meridian 223 school district that has implemented Leader in Me. This program is based on the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and has helped the schools to teach students the habits and how to use them to grow personally, socially, emotionally, and academically.

Students in the school take on leadership roles and work alongside their peers and adults alike to help make the culture of the school one where everyone has the best opportunity to be the best they can.

During leadership day, students organize and lead a celebration of this learning. Students ran nearly all logistics during the celebration and presented to parents, guardians, and other visitors in the classroom and initial assembly.

“Leadership day is an amazing time where we get to see the real potential and leadership capacity that our students have,” said Dr. Joe Mullikin, Principal at Highland Elementary.

“It once again proves that even our youngest students in pre-school have the capacity and ability to begin to develop these skills and practices,” he added.

Mrs. Riley Appino, Highland’s school counselor and Lighthouse Coordinator, said “There is something so special about watching the leadership shine from these kids. They take pride in their hard work and truly love the opportunity to share it with their families and visitors.”

Dr. Caposey, Superintendent of Meridian CUSD 223, expressed how proud he was stating, “Leader in Me has categorically changed the culture at our schools and given each and every child a greater chance at becoming their best and days like this prove that to be true.”

“We couldn’t have been more impressed with all of the kids at this school,” said a second-grade parent. Students talked about how proud they were to share, show people around, and help lead the day. Leader in Me has reinforced our belief that every child and every adult can be an incredible leader.

This year’s Leadership Day was incredibly successful and we all look forward to seeing our students love to learn and learn to lead.

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