Pecatonica Rotary Club members pose with Pe-catoncia Elementary School staff to show off some of the items that they now have access to.

    The Rotary Club of Pecatonica recently used matching funding from their district’s community grant program to work with Pecatonica Schools to provide needed materials. Last fall, the club held a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and the profits from that event provided the matching funds for the grant.

    “We are proud to work with the school district to provide funds for materials needed in various departments and hope our grant will result in many students being positively affected in the years to come,” stated club president Mary Osborn. “Our club is grateful to Rotary International District 6420, which makes additional funds available to us to better serve our community.”

    Through Project Support Our Schools, students of the special education departments in the elementary school and middle school now have access to a number of classroom items, including head phones, weighted blankets, fidgets and a wobble stool. At the high school library, a custom-made portable book cart is now being used to promote new books and to make books easily accessible to students.

    Pecatonica Rotary meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at noon at the Pecatonica Library. For more information about joining, please see their Facebook page: Pecatonica Rotary Club #3085 District 6420.

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