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Rockford’s Discovery Center Museum has updated its “Body Shop” exhibit to include a climbing wall, an exhibit to enhance a child’s senses and a dance floor that responds to movement.

With younger and younger kids spending time in front of a screen – whether it be a TV, phone, tablet or video game system – the Discovery Center Museum in Rockford is aiming to instead get them up and moving; not just jumping up and down, but being aware of their body and using it in ways that encourage challenging themselves, creating self-expression and enhancing awareness of their senses.

“Body Shop” is an exhibit that fits the criteria, according to Meredith MacKay, the Discovery Center Museum’s director of advancement, with three new attractions.

She narrated that the Body Shop had been there for a long time, saying it is “an area we have had for many, many years,” adding, “It was a whole different feel.”

That is, MacKay continued, it was “attuned to very traditional endeavors like ‘run,’ ‘jump,’” but the new exhibit has undergone “a complete overhaul … a complete refresh.”

When asked to elaborate, the director responded, “We wanted to focus on body positivity,” noting that one mantra is that “Everybody has a body.”

The exhibit includes a number of areas, one of which is the Five Senses Exhibit. A release from the Discovery Center Museum outlines that this gives kids a chance to “dive into the science of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, with interactive displays and engaging activities.”

The release further notes that the children can explore the senses through optical differences, sound waves, textured surfaces, types of taste and scent stations, “learning how their bodies perceive and process the world around them.”

The Interactive Dance Floor responds to movement with colorful lights and sounds, and encourages physical activity, coordination and self-expression through the motion of dance, the release explains, “making learning about the human body fun and energetic.”

A Climbing Wall challenges a child’s physical abilities, and is suitable for young climbers, according to the release, which describes: “This promotes physical fitness, balance and problem-solving skills, allowing children to learn about the importance of strength and coordination in a safe and exciting environment.”

“Our sweet spot for this exhibit is probably [ages] 3 to 10 or 11,” MacKay noted, and emphasized that for children with differing physical abilities, the new Body Shop is “much more open and accessible.”

And, “It is much more experiential,” she added.

The director also noted that the Discovery Center Museum offers special events for children of differing abilities, adding, “We are installing a new sensory room this fall,” which she said will include a bubble tube, a fiber-optic shower curtain and a “cozy canoe,” which she described as a bean bag chair shaped like a canoe.

Mercyhealth has sponsored the Body Shop, MacKay said, and because “they are invested in the health of kiddos, it’s a great fit!”

“We are incredibly grateful to Mercyhealth and excited to unveil the Body Shop,” Lana Paris, executive director of the Discovery Center Museum, stated in the release. “This exhibit is a testament to our commitment to making learning both fun and impactful.”

Kara Sankey, Mercyhealth vice president, also stated in the release that “Mercyhealth is thrilled to partner on this new, exciting exhibit at the Discover Center, which is truly a gem in our community. Body Shop offers a fun way for children to become more aware of their health and will help them become stewards of their well-being in the future.”

MacKay said modestly the Discovery Center Museum is “a Midwest destination,” highlighting that “We draw [visitors] from Chicago, Chicagoland, Wisconsin and all 50 states.”

The museum has over 250 interactive exhibits and an outdoor science park, she added.

The director hopes that children who visit the Body Shop will be “motivated to move through play … and be positive about their bodies.”

“It’s magical to be here at a children’s museum,” MacKay summed up.

The award-winning Discovery Center Museum is located inside Riverfront Museum Park, 711 N. Main St., Rockford, and is open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.

Admission is $10 for adults and children ages 2-17, and is free to museum members and children ages 1 and younger.

For more information, visit or call 815-963-6769.

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