4-HLOUISVILLE – The Illinois 4-H team placed fifth out of 16 states in the National 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl held Nov. 6 and Nov. 7 in Louisville, Ky. Team members included Brock Irwin, Belvidere; Bria Koester, Dakota; Elizabeth Koester, Red Bud; and Julia Mitchell of Winnebago. The team earned honorable mention status during the contest.

The 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl has become a premier educational 4-H event, challenging the contestants’ dairy knowledge in various areas, including dairy production, business management, dairy products and dairy science. Competition includes a 50-question test and then competing with other teams in individual rounds consisting of five team questions and 20 toss-up questions.

Bonus questions are given to teams that have correct answers from multiple members in any given round, said Dave Fischer, coach and retired University of Illinois Extension dairy educator.

“Illinois excelled in bonus questions because of the balance of knowledge displayed by all four team members,” Fischer said.

The team is supported financially at the national contest by the Illinois 4-H Foundation, River Valley Dairy of Tremont, and the Illinois Milk Producers Association. Team jackets are provided by Diamond V of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

In addition to Fischer, Becky Meier of Ridott serve as Illinois’ national team coaches.

About 4-H

Illinois 4-H helps youth learn skills for living. University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in Illinois. Illinois 4-H aims to impact the lives of 200,000 youth each year through sustained learning clubs and groups and short-term programming.

For Further Information Contact:Dave Fischer, Coach, Retired Extension Dairy Educator, 618-830-4957, [email protected]

News Writer:Judy Mae Bingman, Extension Media Communications Specialist, 217-300-2113, [email protected].

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