By Bob Kopp
BDR Sports Correspondent
BELVIDERE – Despite 6’7″ stalwart senior Sam Fehrle being unavailable because of an injury, the deepest and most talented line-up in the NIC-10 came to Belvidere with an undefeated conference record that includes two convincing wins over perennial powerhouse Auburn.
The Titans, as a seasoned Bucs partisan quipped, are “a well-oiled machine with the best players around. I’ll bet those schools where they live could sure use them.”
The Bucs could have used them as they fell 87-60 in a game not as close as the score.
Rotating an entire bench with players that would start on most teams and executing ferocious full-court pressure whenever the hosts hinted at drawing within less than twenty points, 6’5″ junior Zach Couper and 6’4″ junior Kevin Diemer led the way with 23 and 17 points respectively while clocking little time throughout most of the second half.
Glimmers of hope for the Bucs were provided by senior Deante Barnes with 24 points and junior Austin Revolinski with 13 points.
Fans admire Boylan’s commitment to academic and athletic excellence without hiding their confessional heritage.
It’s refreshing to attend a game on their turf as play never commences without a prayer honoring the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer and asking His help for the health and welfare of the players along with exhorting exemplary sportsmanship on the bench and in the bleachers.
However, when any private school plays in conferences with public schools, there is an uneven playing field as private schools do not play by the same eligibility rules. Many other states have recognized the inequities and have separated private schools from public counterparts for conference action and championship recognition.
Everyone knows it took Roger Maris several extra games to hit 61 home runs to eclipse the Babe’s record of 60; and everyone knows Barry Bonds pushed everyone aside through the miracles of modern chemistry. That’s why asterisks appear by their names in the record books and minds of knowledgeable fans.
Boylan should be applauded for its passion for excellence without sacrificing its faith; but they should not be playing for the same titles, recognition, and kudos of teams not having its unfair advantages.
While coasting to supremacy in the NIC-10 with players that coulda, shoulda, and woulda if the IHSA leveled the field and forced all teams to play by the same rules, the true test for the Titans will be when they play teams with the same advantages in the post-season.

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