
BELVIDERE – The Belvidere High School girls’ soccer team faced off against Auburn High School on Thursday, April 14. BHS won the game 4-2.

The Lady Bucs started out strong with Jessie Rivera, #10, scoring the first goal of the game off of an assist from Erys Rivera, #2.

Auburn wasted no time to rain on the BHS girls’ parade as they made their first goal of the game only about two minutes after BHS made their goal.

Then, to the dismay of the Lady Bucs, Auburn took the lead 2-1, about six minutes before the end of the first period.

In the second period, the BHS girls knew they had some ground to make up and Mackenzy Jankiewics, #11, helped by scoring the first goal of the second half.

Now tied 2-2, the Lady Bucs goalie, Maria Aguilar, #1, defended the goal with all of her might, not letting the Auburn girls’ score again.

To break the tie, BHS came back with another goal from Jessie Rivera who scored off of an assist from Hailey Carter, #14.

Wanting to solidify their win, BHS scored one more time. Emily Carillo, #18, made the final point of the game off of an assist from Jessie Rivera.

This put the Lady Bucs at a conference record of 3-0 and a season record of 4-3.

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