Fathers day fishingFathers day fishing 3

By Barb Appelhans


Twenty children and their fathers ventured to Candlewick Lake on the hot morning of Sunday, June 19 (Father’s Day) for the annual Father’s Day shore fishing tournament.

Fishing was slow due to the intense heat on the lake, but the children still spent the morning trying their best to catch a big fish to win the tournament. Moms, dads, and other family members lined the lake cheering on the kids as they fought off the 90 degree heat to catch the winning fish.

fathers day fishing 4Any method could be used in the event in the hopes of winning a trophy. Teams could use fishing pulls or fully loaded tackle boxes in competition. This made for an exciting morning to see which team came out on top of the other competitors.

Families had a wonderful time out at the lake, which made for a fun Father’s Day for all involved.

Fathers day fishing 2fathers day fishing 5


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