Amazing Grace Church holds special dedication of new church building

Pastor Burrow welcomed members of Amazing Grace to their new building on Oct. 31. The service included an official dedication of the building with a nice meal following.
By Marianne Mueller
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church is committed to its mission of connecting people to Jesus, growing in faith and serving his ministry.
On Oct. 31, 2021 the 76 member congregation celebrated by opening doors to a new church building in South Beloit. This new location sits at 5809 Prairie Hill Rd.
The new building sits on 18 acres of land, with 15 acres designated as a flood plain area with a park like setting. This area can be used for nature and walking paths, camping and more.
Inside is a warm and inviting sanctuary to worship in complete with a stunning pulpit crafted by a local woodworker. Additionally, there is a fellowship hall, a Sunday school room and an office.
In honor of this momentous day a special dedication service was held.
The invocation opened with the words. “Peace is to this house and all who enter here. We open the doors of this church for the preaching of God’s saving Word, for the celebration of his holy sacraments, and for offering him the sacrifice and praise of thanksgiving, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Pastor Burrow’s message reflected on “Opening Doors for the Gospel.”
A Rite and Prayer of Dedication outlined purposes for the use of the building. Each section began with the message, We dedicate this building.
“Brothers and sisters in Christ, we have come together to set apart this structure for the worship of the almighty God and for the building up of the body of Christ.”
“To the Glory of God our Father who created and preserves us; To the honor of his Son who loved us and gave himself for our salvation; To the praise of the Holy Spirit who has called us by the Gospel, sanctifies us, and keeps us in the faith; For the worship of the Triune God; the proclamation of His Word and the administration of His Sacraments.”
“For the instruction of souls with Scripture in all its fullness; for building on the baptisms of our children and nurturing them to the reception of the Lord’s Supper:
For reaching out to our community and making disciples according to Christ’s Great Commission; For teaching the unchanging truth to the people of today and the generations of tomorrow; As a place where the body of Christ may gather to encourage each other and to praise Christ’s name:
As a place where out heavenly goal is continuously held before us; where souls, tired and worn by the struggle with sin, may be refreshed by God’s grace; where those nearing their time of departure may be lifted up and those grieving the loss of the departed may be comforted.”
A prayer of gratitude was lifted where God is pleased to have on Earth a place where he meets his people who gather in his name.
“For your kindness in sending your Spirit, in moving your people to fulfill your mission, to organize, to give, to volunteer, to cooperate, to sacrifice and to encourage- all for the common purpose of making disciples of Jesus.”
Thanks were given for this happy day where the congregation has been permitted to see the fruition of years of planning and contribution.
“O Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to you we dedicate this building, along with all that we are and have, Hear us and bless us according to your will. “
Following the service all gathered for a special meal to further commemorate the day.
As with many churches each holds a rich history; Amazing Grace’s leading them to a fresh new start to a bright future.
Amazing Grace began as a multi-site congregation with Peace Lutheran in Loves Park in 1998.
The members of Peace identified a rapidly growing area in Roscoe, Rockton and South Beloit. In order to reach this growing population, they decided to start an additional worship site in a storefront in Roscoe. Peace called a second pastor to serve this new worship site. The first worship service at this new location was in 1999.
Over the years Amazing Grace moved to various locations in order to better serve the community. These locations included storefronts, rented chapels and an elementary school. The numerous locations and loss of pastors put the future of Amazing Grace in doubt.
It was determined to move forward though and to continue the mission for which AG had been established. In 2008 they purchased the land that the congregation is worshiping on today. In 2019 this piece of land was paid off in full, which expedited the plans for the building of this brand-new worship facility. By April of 2021 a ground-breaking ceremony marked the start of building.
Every church starts with enthusiastic, caring members. Pete and Renee Roen, Lisa and Glenn Terry, Darcy Bondow, Cathy and Monty Haus, Paulette Ritter, and Kelly and Larry Fairbairn are all Charter members.
Pastor Aaron Weber, Pastor Thomas Engelbrecht and current Pastor Clint Burrow each have served as full time pastors over the years. David Rosenauch holds the distinction as the Vicar.
Church services begin at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Sunday school and Bible studies start at 9 a.m. More information about the church can be found at, on Facebook:@A Stateline, or on Instagram @amazing grace Lutheran.
“The building committee and capital fund drive committees worked eagerly towards this new church. The goal was a building that was practical and efficient but still a “church”, Pastor Burrow said.
“The result of all of this work is what you see today. We praise God for His grace and blessing which have allowed this long held dream of many to become a reality.”