
Whitman Post Elementary School (WPES) and Rockton Grade School took visitors on a journey to National Parks, and tapped into the best of nature.

At WPES 1,500 art pieces were created by 515 students who each made three projects.

Inside Rockton Grade School another 1,000 hanging collaboration projects, plus another 25 different pieces could be viewed. RGS students are in either Kindergarten, First and Second grades. Mrs. Graves is the art teacher who worked alongside students to produce special artwork for the show.

Celebrating the fact that the show was on May 4 one wall at RGS was dedicated to Star Wars, featuring images  of Baby Yoda; designed by first graders. Part of the Baby Yoda project was done to teach ways to use different shapes. Trapezoids, circles, triangles and ovals were used to shape the character.

As art lovers entered the doors of WPES they found a backdrop with the words, “Welcome to Redwood Forest.”

Right after guests passed through the Forest entrance they saw a lifelike black bear with a fish in its mouth, a deer made out of heavy and specifically shaped pieces of wood, and a detailed bison.

Ruby Adams was the creator of the bison. Fourth grader Dane Carbough made the bear, and fourth grader Colin Schrader amazed all with the deer.

Art teacher Dan Enderle explained why the theme of National Parks was chosen for the 2023 art show.

“My niece is from the Eastern coast. I wanted to find ways to integrate all of the beauty we have here in the United States. This show reflects our take on National Parks in the United States.”
Art pieces filled the walls of both schools. Paintings, sketches, 3-d pieces, which included clay pots and other full scene creations, or complete scenes using plastic animals or full nature scenes. Various pieces of art were hanging from the ceiling.

Fact sheets featured bob cats or other wild animals. At RGS paper plates had pictures of cows, pigs, lambs or ducks on them.

Life cycles of butterflies were shown by using written facts, listed in order on each layer of paper.

Construction paper art included ladybugs, sunshine and other beauty that exists. Tissue paper wreaths represent planted trees and ways they are useful.

In a separate room a fun way of learning about nature and national parks a hands-on Virtual Reality experience was found. Students had the opportunity to learn through photos and lessons shown in a View Master.

Always a hot spot, the WPES 3-D printer was in action, capturing great attention.

First grade substitute teacher Mrs. Susan Jobst gave an overview of how “The Brilliant Butterflies” came together.

Raindrops were created to demonstrate how plants need to grow with the use of soil and sunshine. “Raindrops were made out of Super Glue. The Super Glue was put on paper and glitter was added., using a combination of dark and clear colors. These were then pulled off of the paper and applied to a piece of artwork.”

During break times from checking out all of the neat artwork young and young alike enjoyed, “Cactus Juice or “Ocean Water,” (both with colors to match the names of Hawaiian Punch) and other snack foods, served by WPES Principal Mrs. Forsythe and RGS Principal Kindyl Etnyre. Each Principal was  joined by a students in serving refreshments.

Fun was had by all as talented art students displayed and celebrated National Parks and brought the best of nature to life!

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