Pecatonica High School FFA and agriculture department are celebrating their fourth year as beekeepers. The beekeeping idea was conceived, in part, by Ryan Barrack, who spent several years learning the process with his grandfather, who is a beekeeper. The FFA and AG department applied for grants and purchased supplies, which […]
By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER “The twice a year chicken broast pays for the park,” said Gabriel Nevel. “Without this happening two times a year, we wouldn’t be able to keep it open or pay for upkeep and repair. “I’ve been helping since I was 10. My parents brought me here […]
By Bob Balgemann Ida Public Library is a major property owner in the city, especially along West Hurlbut Avenue, some of whose houses are part of a local historic district. It is requesting rezoning of a 9,000-square-foot, vacant parcel at 117 W. Hurlbut from SR-6, single-family residential, to I, institutional, […]
By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Local fire departments turned up the heat on friendly competition on July 23. The occasion was the Rockton Roscoe Rotary Rib Fest, returning for a second year, welcoming back some of the same participants. One of the departments who returned to the scene at Viking Lanes […]
By Margaret Downing REPORTER At the July 18 Loves Park city council meeting, aldermen approved two resolutions and one ordinance, first reading. *A resolution authorizing the Loves Park Fire Department to purchase a used 2019 Braun Chief XL w/Dodge (ambulance) 550 4X4 Diesel w/12,000 miles from North Central Emergency Vehicle […]