By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Four days of family fun happened at the 2022 Old Settlers Days festival from June 16-19. Settlers Park in Rockton was where the home where the main action took place. This long time tradition was made possible by volunteers from the Rockton Lions Club and the […]
By Margaret Downing Reporter A well-known rock of the community passed away on June 13 – Jody Deery. She and her husband, Hugh Deery, who had known each other since childhood in Darlington, Wis. took full ownership of Rockford Speedway in 1966 and made a success of the nationally recognized […]
The Ogle County Farm Bureau Young Leaders through financial support from COUNTRY Financial recently donated grain bin rescue augers to three area fire departments serving Ogle and Lee Counties. Augers were purchased by COUNTRY Financial and distributed to the Byron, Rochelle and Rural Dixon Fire Departments. The augers are used […]
Winnebago Chamber of Commerce members had a wonderful evening for our Annual Awards last week. Big thank you to our gracious hosts, The Brauer Barn, for providing such a beautiful venue, our sponsors and food vendors: Eickman’s Processing Co., Nancy’s Diner, Cimino’s Pizza Winnebago, Sullivans Foods, The Scoop, Flower Girls, […]
By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER “We received a very generous donation and used it to build a pavilion,” said Cherry Valley Library Director Jane Lenser.”We are dedicating it tonight (Saturday, June 11). We will be holding outdoor programs out here. We have a children’s program out here on Monday. We will […]
By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Rockton’s Board of Trustees took action on a variety of agenda items at the June 7 meeting. The board approved minutes from a May 19 Special meeting that focused solely on the budget covering the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2022 and ending May 31, 2023. […]