Author Archive: RvpAdmin

3/17/22 West Shopper

3/17/22 West Shopper



3/17/22 East Shopper

3/17/22 East Shopper



Belvidere adopts mandated policy to protect whistleblowers

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Mayor Clint Morris referred to it as “a boiler plate project, I believe.” For City Attorney Mike Drella, it was “another unfunded mandate, but hopefully there’s no funds necessary.” They were referring to a proposed policy protecting whistleblowers that came out of the state Legislature and […]


Postponed LibraryCon returns

Postponed LibraryCon returns

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER “I am the advisor for the Teen Library Council at both Belvidere High School and Belvidere North,” said Dawn Brunschon, library media director of District 100. “The Teen Library Councils are hosting today’s programs. We held our first LibraryCon in 2020 just before the pandemic shutdown. […]


Hononegah Board of Education recognizes All-State musicians; student achievements

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Students from various sections of Hononegah were recognized at the February Board of Education meeting. Board President, Dave Kurlinkus recognized correspondence from various parents. Sherrie Barch donated copies of her book, “Heavens Bell,” to the district to students and adults who are experiencing grief. One copy […]


Local effort announced to raise funds for humanitarian relief for Rockford’s sister city in Ukraine

The City of Rockford announced last week the creation of a Brovary Relief Fund to help support humanitarian aid for our Sister City in Ukraine. Rockford has enjoyed a Sister City relationship with Brovary since 1995, just four years after Ukraine declared independence from the former Soviet Union. As the […]


Harlem Huskies warming up for outdoor track and field season

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER March has arrived and with that comes the hope of the warmer weather that accompanies the spring track and field season. Harlem’s boys track team is winding down the return of the indoor track schedule that included competition against both the more familiar NIC-10 opponents, and […]


Stillman ag students compete, excel on CDE test

Stillman ag students compete, excel on CDE test

Stillman Valley High School Agribusiness Team places 1st in Agribusiness CDE Test out of 200 students and 10-12 schools. SVHS had three top six place winners.  Junior Hannah Batty earned 1st place; junior McKenna Alcock earned 2nd place; and junior Nicholas Youman earned 6th place.  Other team members are Cadence James […]


Pecatonica High School Key Club hosts 5th Annual Mr. PHS Pageant

Pecatonica High School Key Club hosts 5th Annual Mr. PHS Pageant

On Feb. 26, 12 young men took the stage at Pecatonica High School to compete for the title of Mr. PHS. Co-chaired by Key Club members Ashley Burrow and Payton Kasper, the 5th Annual Mr. PHS pageant raised over $4,700 in support of the Rockford-based Kids Around the World organization. […]


Lady Indians play in 2A Championship game

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER According to pre post-season rankings, two of the most powerful teams in the State of Illinois’ Class 2A State Tournament faced off for the State Championship. Winnebago stood with southwestern Illinois’ best team, Quincy Notre Dame and fought for the right to bring home the State […]

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