By Anne Eickstadt EDITOR The much-anticipated grand opening for the Funderburg House Museum was scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 11, at 4 p.m. Anna Pivoras, executive director of the Boone County Museum of History and Rob Funderburg wielded the giant scissors to cut the ribbon on the steps of the mansion […]
By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Macktown Living History is a hub of knowledge about Rockton’s past. Set in Macktown Forest Preserve Macktown overlooks the Rock and Pecatonica rivers in Rockton and are the remnants of Winnebago County’s first settlement. It was founded by Stephen Andrew Mack Jr. and his wife Mary […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Development of a 48-unit senior housing project at 7633 N. Perryville Road has taken another step toward becoming reality. The village of Machesney Park owns the five acres in question and has joined with the prospective buyer, Northpointe Holdings LLC, in a joint application, requesting a […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER With the nine-game, NIC-10 bowling season nearing the half-way mark, Harlem’s four bowling teams remain undefeated and are working toward a fresh set of championships. Harlem’s varsity boys (4-0) are alone in first place but this year’s primary challengers, Belvidere, Belvidere North and Auburn, all at […]
Stillman Valley High School Principal Leslie Showers is pleased to announce that eight students from the SVHS graduating class of 2022 have been designated as Illinois State Scholars. The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), the state’s college access and financial aid agency, presents this important recognition of academic achievement to […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Understanding what a Declared State of Emergency is something that has been discussed at recent meetings of the Pecatonica Village Board. This past Tuesday, a vote to continue the previously established State of Emergency was once again taken and as recent history has indicated, it wasn’t […]