Author Archive: RvpAdmin

8/25/21 Scoop Today

8/25/21 Scoop Today



8/26/21 McHenry County News

8/26/21 McHenry County News



8/26/21 West Shopper

8/26/21 West Shopper



8/26/21 East Shopper

8/26/21 East Shopper



‘A Marine and a Journalist Walk into a Bar’ book signing with Belvidere’s John Edwin Smith

John Edwin “Jedwin” Smith’s book, “A Marine and a Journalist Walk into a Bar,” is a compilation of his storied journalism career including stories his time in Belvidere.

By Anne Eickstadt Editor John Edwin Smith (whose nom de plume is Jedwin Smith) started his award-winning journalism career at the Belvidere Daily Republican and went on to write for the Chicago Tribune, Kansas City Times, Racine Journal Times, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Gwinnett Daily News and others.  After a long […]


The Green Quarter and a residence receive Historic Landmark status

By Marianne Mueller Reporter The Green Quarter, a landscape and design company in Rockton received a Historic Landmark status in a special dedication, held on July 21, 2021.  This property is one of four landmarks in Rockton; each is given a plaque to put to signify this honor.   Rockton […]


City council meets at the last minute to approve a special event 

By Margaret Downing Reporter Loves Park aldermen, at the Aug. 2 city council meeting agreed to hold a special meeting on August 6. The “special city council meeting” was set for that date at 9:30 a.m. in order to determine whether or not a special event permit could proceed for […]


2021 Ogle County 4-H Fair announces award winners

2021 Ogle County 4-H Fair announces award winners

Beef Department Champion Junior Showmanship, Ayden Alderks, Monroe Center Champion Intermediate Showmanship, Cooper Alderks, Chana Champion Senior Showmanship, Brooke Allen, Byron Champion Angus Steer, Bode Martin, Oregon Reserve Champion Angus Steer, Allissa Martin, Oregon Champion Hereford Steer, Brandon Whalen, Byron Reserve Champion Hereford Steer, Brandon Whalen, Byron Champion Shorthorn Steer, […]


Du-Pec athletes follow mandates to play

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Middle School practice and matches will already be underway before the Durand Lady Bulldogs join with their western Winnebago County neighbors in tipping-off the 2021-2022 high school sports season. It’s a normal year in many ways for athletes with the varsity volleyball team. They’ll be attired […]


Stephenson County Fairgrounds hosted Section 1 FFA Fair

Durand FFA members Josh Erickson, Grant Johnson, Rachel Proctor, Amber Lee, Tyler Lee, Nolan Stadler, and Jeff McLean gathered for a group photo.

The 2021 Section 1 FFA Fair was held at the Stephenson County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, July 27. Everyone was super excited to be back in-person and have a real show together. FFA members showed Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, Poultry and Garden Produce. The FFA members with […]

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