Author Archive: RvpAdmin

7/22/21 West Shopper

7/22/21 West Shopper

7/22/21 East Shopper

7/22/21 East Shopper



Rock County Fair for 2021

Rock County Fair for 2021

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Cowboy Mounted Shooting competition returns to Fair

Cowboy Mounted Shooting competition returns to Fair

One of the nation’s fastest growing equine sports. The Northern Illinois Outlaws is affiliated with the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association. They will conduct a four-stage mounted shooting competition in the Pony Arena of the Boone County Fairgrounds. This family friendly sport is fun and exciting as a competitor or as […]


Harlem, Hononegah bowlers vie at two Indianapolis tournaments

Harlem, Hononegah bowlers vie at two Indianapolis tournaments

By Bob Balgemann Reporter Harlem and Hononegah bowlers are keeping busy this summer, spending much of July at Indianapolis, Ind. competing in the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Junior Gold and Youth Open.  Junior Gold is a scholarship tournament with male and female bowlers also vying for a spot on […]


Machesney Park sells fully-occupied JCPenney building to local business owner 

Machesney Park sells fully-occupied JCPenney building to local business owner 

Village officials have announced the sale of the former JCPenney Building at 8702 N. Second St. to James Michalsen Jr., of JM Commercial Properties, LLC. The fully-leased, 100,000 square foot building was sold for $995,000.  Village Trustee Aaron Wilson said that he was happy to see a local entrepreneur assume […]


4-H project exhibits to be showcased

Ogle County’s 302 4-H club members in 14 clubs will showcase approximately 615 4-H project exhibits and 750 project animals during the 2021 Ogle County Fair, Oregon, July 28–Aug. 1.   4-H Fairs are held nationally to allow youth the opportunity to exhibit projects that have resulted from in-depth yearlong […]


J&J tumbler takes second at National Championship

Sarah Thompson (left) gathered for a photo with medalists.

J&J’s 17-year-old Senior Elite Tumbler Sarah Thompson of Davis, Ill., placed second at the USA Gymnastics National Championships in St. Louis, Mo. on June 27, earning her a top three national ranking in the sport of competitive Power Tumbling. Thompson competed in three national events this spring and summer in […]


7/14/21 Shopper’s Guide

7/14/21 Shopper’s Guide



7/14/21 Scoop Today

7/14/21 Scoop Today


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