By Melanie Bradley Editor A massive fire broke out at the Chemtool plant in Rockton on Prairie Hill Road at about 6:45 a.m. on Monday morning. Rockton Fire Chief Kirk Wilson said when firefighters arrived on the scene, fire was already shooting through the roof, and that there was no […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER It never happened before and may never happen again. Harlem typically has a three-season sports program: fall, winter and spring. But this year had a summer sports season because of problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic. That competition involving eight boys and girls teams wound down […]
By Margaret Downing Reporter A number of “reappointments” and appointments were approved by Loves Park aldermen at the June 7 city council meeting: Thomas Walsh was reappointed to the Rockford Area Venue & Entertainment Authority, with a term to expire June 30, 2026. Conrad Lantz received reappointment to the Police […]
In 2019 a committee of Byron community members representing Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions Club, Boy Scouts, the Byron Township and American Legion formed to renovate the Byron Cemetery Veterans Memorial at 405 E. Fifth St. Unfortunately, the pandemic halted progress through 2020, but we are pleased to be moving forward. We […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER The completion of the softball season caught up with area teams this past week as one by one they began to fall out of contention in the Class 1A and 2A State Tournament. On Wednesday, June 2, the games began for teams from Pecatonica, Durand and […]