Two new firefighters take up where retiring firefighters leave off
With Cpt. Mark Zumbragel and Firefighter/Paramedic Chuck Rotolo retiring, the Belvidere Fire Department would be running shorthanded, so two new firefighters have joined the team.
With Cpt. Mark Zumbragel and Firefighter/Paramedic Chuck Rotolo retiring, the Belvidere Fire Department would be running shorthanded, so two new firefighters have joined the team.
By Jean Seegers Reporter The Roscoe Village Board meeting was held on Tuesday, April 20, at Village Hall. It was the first in-person meeting since the advent of the Corona Virus about 17 months ago. Since the shut-down, Board members have met virtually twice per month. Residents were invited to […]
By Marianne Mueller Reporter Powerful messaging appears on a billboard can be seen on Highway 251. In the bottom right hand corner is a photo of two young friends, Bobby Figinsky and his friend Macayla Mertz. The words in all capital letters, “HIT A PARKED CAR? Ticket; HIT TWO CHILDREN? […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter Boone County and the City of Belvidere both are members of the Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority that was created in 2019. The purpose of that regional organization is to get abandoned and blighted properties, including houses, put back on the tax rolls and be an […]
By Anne Eickstadt Editor Previous Citizens Police Academy class feedback resulted in a defensive tactics session with Officers Matt Shook and Ryan Davenport being added to the course. The hands-on defensive tactics CPA class they taught in 2020 resulted in only a couple of students participating so they decided to […]
Stephen Mack Middle School eighth grade students; and members of the National Jr. Honor Society Iniya Ilankovan and Gracie Williams teamed up to help area families in need.
By Margaret Downing Reporter The Loves Park City Council took care of a number of items at the April 12 council meeting: *A resolution opposing House Bill 1727 regarding “the elimination of qualified immunity for police officers” was passed. Under Officer Accountability, this Bill “creates” the “Bad Apples in Law […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter Harlem’s varsity football and girls volleyball teams were on the same path last week as the abbreviated 2021 season neared an end. In football, the Huskies came from serious deficits for the third consecutive week to improve their record to 5-0 with one game left to […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Following a loss to nearby neighbor Stillman Valley this past week, the Byron Lady Tigers found themselves on the backside of the pack looking up, as the late games of the Big Northern volleyball season prepare to come to a close. On Monday, April 12, Byron […]
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