4/15/21 East Shopper
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER It was one of those girls basketball seasons in the NIC-10 that saw a logjam of teams competing for a place in the Top 5. Harlem was bound for one of those spots until an unexpected end to the abbreviated season thwarted that anticipated finish. Head […]
Blackhawks announce purchase of Rockford IceHogs; Team to remain in Rockford through 2036 Governor JB Pritzker last Wednesday joined the Chicago Blackhawks, the City of Rockford, and the Rockford Area Venues and Entertainment Authority (RAVE) and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) in announcing a $23 million […]
Next week, Meridian CUSD 223 will launch a new website powered by School Messenger. The launch of the new website is a culmination of many months of work led by Nick Belmonte, Director of Technology for Meridian schools. The new website replaces an old website that had been in place […]
/ Tempo
By Marianne Mueller Reporter Rockton Village resident Bryan Northrup addressed the board at the Special budget meeting. “I am here to speak on tax dollars provided for the Old Settler’s Days Festival. “As a board you have hard choices with limited resources; especially now. The board has a history of […]
By Anne Eickstadt Editor Sgt. Chris Washburn returned to the Citizens Police Academy to discuss the Use of Force. He told us about the legal definitions and use of deadly force and the laws regarding both for civilians and for police officers. Deadly force, also known as lethal force, is […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter Voters in several Boone County municipalities were restless on election day as they made some changes in the governing boards of where they live. Former 12-year trustee Cliff Morris led much of the night and wound up winning a four-year term as mayor of the City […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER After taxpayers of Pecatonica Township went to the polls on Tuesday, April 6, the vote totals determined there would be a new leadership board in place when the next fiscal year begins. Pecatonica business owner Elizabeth Clark handily defeated both current Township Trustee James Anderson and […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER After taxpayers of Pecatonica Township went to the polls on Tuesday, April 6, the vote totals determined there would be a new leadership board in place when the next fiscal year begins. Pecatonica business owner Elizabeth Clark handily defeated both current Township Trustee James Anderson and […]
On Sunday, April 11, J&J Tumbling and Trampoline Team athletes competed in East Peoria at the USA Gymnastics Trampoline and Tumbling State Championships. Nine athletes from J&J brought home a total of 10 State Champion titles in the events of Tumbling, Trampoline, and Double Mini Trampoline. J&J Athletes also received seven […]
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