Author Archive: RvpAdmin

2/10/21 Scoop Today

2/10/21 Scoop Today



2/11/21 McHenry County News

2/11/21 McHenry County News



2/11/21 West Shopper

2/11/21 West Shopper



2/11/21 East Shopper

2/11/21 East Shopper



Byron High School congratulates ILMEA All-State Musicians

Byron High School congratulates ILMEA All-State Musicians

Eight Byron Music Students were selected to participate in the 2021 Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) All-State Festival. The dates of the festival are currently being planned. ILMEA sponsors District and All-State competitions for the State of Illinois. Illinois is divided into nine districts. Byron is located in District 8, […]


Sixth Annual Yeti Fest offering extra fun options for everyone

By Marianne Mueller Reporter Winter fun is heading into Rockton on Friday Feb. 5 and Saturday, Feb. 6 with the return of Yeti Fest. In its sixth year this event is loaded with options for everyone. Yeti Fest is billed as “A festival where the abominable snow people of Rockton […]


Belvidere North High School takes top high school ice sculpting award

Belvidere North High School takes top high school ice sculpting award

The results are in for the 35th annual Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition. The Band of Misfit Boys won the 35th annual Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition with their sculpture titled “Hooty and the Blowfish.” The Band of Misfit Boys will advance to the 2022 U.S. Nationals Snow Sculpting Competition in Lake […]


Seven community leaders propose changes to impact fee ordinances

By Bob Balgemann Reporter Top officials of five local and two regional boards and organizations have come together to discuss with the city and Boone County Board possible changes to current impact fee ordinances. Greg Brown, representing Belvidere Community Unit School District 100, told the city’s Committee of the Whole […]


Funding options open in Pecatonica

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER A request for additional funding has been made by members of the Pecatonica Village Board, and it will be done in the form of a General Obligation Bond. That means the village is willing to take a chance that it has the ability to repay a […]


Rivermen get green light to sail into season

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Thanks to action taken by the IHSA and supported by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health, the DuPec Rivermen were given the go ahead to embark on their season. It’s been a long wait since football players from Durand and Pecatonica last took to […]

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