12/10/20 West Shoppper
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Four Boone County Board members who attended their last monthly meeting Nov. 18 were thanked for their years of service to the community by board Chairman Karl Johnson and Sheriff Dave Ernest. They were District 1 board members Marshall Newhouse and Denny Ellingson; District 2 board […]
“We did our 4-H Recognition Award program a bit differently this year due to COVID-19,” said Extension Program Director Melissa Irwin. “We had a drive-thru award pick up with a photo booth and each family came one at a time. “The awards that all start with the name ‘Outstanding’ are […]
Wimpy’s Fund by the Rockton Lions is a community effort to help families in need during the holiday season, providing food baskets and presents. Long before there was Wimpy’s Fund, there was Wimpy the police chief, Everett Vaughan. A generous character who often reached into his pockets to help needy […]
Peggy Doty, energy and environmental stewardship educator serving Boone, Dekalb and Ogle counties, was honored by University of Illinois Extension for dedicated and innovative work in natural resource education. Doty received an Individual Extension Excellence Award in recognition of the research-based natural resource education she consistently delivers to youth of […]
/ Tempo
Stroll on State is the Rockford region’s kick-off to the holiday season. The free community event in downtown Rockford has featured a tree-lighting, parade, fireworks, horse-drawn wagon rides, visits with Santa and so many more events and attractions. This year, Stroll on State presents ‘A Merry & Bright Holiday,’ that […]
In 2017, the Rockford Park District celebrated the expansion of the Indoor Sports Center, 8800 E. Riverside Blvd. Loves Park. The 133,000-square-foot sports building situated to the east of the existing Indoor Sports Center (ISC) building is only three-years-old and is 420 feet long, 300 feet wide, and 70 feet […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER A schedule set by the Pecatonica Village Board as it relates to the access of shared information has been limited lately and Covid19 still seems to be the biggest reason. Because of the continued rise of numbers of reported infections statewide, multiple regularly scheduled meetings have […]
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