11/11/20 Shopper’s Guide
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Attempting to keep things in perspective is exactly how student athletes with the Pecatonica School District are working through the second sports season of the school year. The fall games were re-scheduled, to commence in mid-February, 2021. At this point those games are still going to […]
Through Illinois FFA, students develop skills and confidence to help them succeed in their agricultural careers and throughout their life. The FFA Mission: FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Approximately, 30,000 […]
Employees raised $10,000 for the Rockford Rescue Mission The top priority for employees in the recently completed refueling outage at Exelon Generation’s Byron Station was to safely refuel the Unit 2 reactor and perform maintenance to ensure an uninterrupted run through the coming winter months and beyond. […]
/ Tempo
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Typically, after a request from within the community gets a positive recommendation from one of the village’s three standing committees, that item appears twice before the village board before receiving final approval. But every once in that two-week process is waived and the request receives final […]
By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Gary and Karen Phelps of Rockton wanted to assure that young ones in their neighborhood had a safe and happy Halloween this year. “With COVID-19 we were unsure if we were going to participate in giving out candy to trick or treaters,” Karen said. The Phelps […]
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