Author Archive: RvpAdmin

Earth Force Club tackles local issues; Recent project focuses on pollinators

BCCD COURTESY PHOTO Rock Valley Publishing
   Members of the Boone County Conservation District’s Earth Force Club are working to solve problems at the local level to benefit their community. This year, the club created a project by making a pamphlet with ways to help pollinators at home and also a Mason bee house to attract pollinators. Members have also talked to other youth about their project – a benefit of which is strengthening their public speaking skills.

By Jane Charmelo NEWS COORDINATOR The future is certainly in the hands of our children, and one group is giving them a hands-on opportunity to make a difference in their community—while at the same time helping them learn to become critical thinkers. The Earth Force Club, through the Boone County […]


Winnebago officer donates basketball hoop

Winnebago officer donates basketball hoop

    Two weeks ago, before the storms, an officer working patrol noticed the basketball hoop over in Winnebago’s Clayton Court was looking a little beat up and in disrepair. Then the storm hit and took it out of commission completely. A Winnebago Police Department officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, […]


Rockton Lions Club Old Settlers Days proceeds given back to community

	Two children rode in a colorful car while visiting the 2024 OSD Festival in Rockton two weeks ago.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Settlers Park welcomed mega sized crowds to take in four days of fun from June 13-16. Event organizers were joined by an all volunteer committee. The Rockton Lions Club works closely with the Village of Rockton, Rockton Fire Protection District, Rockton Village Public Works Department and […]


Rockford Park District gives awards to Gold Star Performance winners

	Rockford Park District Application Team members were all smiles after being recognized for their efforts. The team consists of Mike Costello, Haley Varble, Sara Saunders, Camille Blake, Amy McIntyre, and Catie Vernon. They worked dedicatedly to find and implement an exceptional, user-friendly app for the Park District that meets the needs of the community.

Last week, the Rockford Park District convened for our routine quarterly all-staff meeting. These meetings are a time to recognize both teams and individual employees who have gone above and beyond in their roles to successfully serve our community and act as exceptional coworkers! Below are our employees/teams of the […]


Byron choirs go Irish; Members, alumni, family and friends toured and performed in Ireland

	During their visit to Ireland, the Byron Choir’s first historical stop was the Kylemore Abbey in Connemara. They also held their first concert of the trip there.

By Amy Harn BYRON CHOIRS     Members of Byron choirs, along with alumni, family, and friends, returned from their Ireland tour on June 9. During the tour, they were able to perform in many beautiful venues inside and out, with the final performance being an exchange concert at the Royal […]


The Arc artists create mural for Disability Pride Month

SUBMITTED PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	The Arc of Winnebago, Boone and Ogle Counties is proud to announce artists in their program will be completing a large mural at their Rockford office, that will be on display outside the building, facing Perryville Road. The colors and graphics are symbolic of individual disabilities.

By Jane Charmelo NEWS COORDINATOR This July, if you happen to be driving along Perryville Road in Rockford, you may notice a colorful mural and wonder what it’s all about. According to The Arc of Winnebago, Boone & Ogle Counties Executive Director Amy Newell, the mural is a reminder that […]


Durand and Pecatonica FFA honored at state convention

	Foundation Star Supporter: The Pecatonica chapter was recognized for making a gift of at least $1,000 to the Illinois Foundation FFA during the annual fundraising campaign, which designates them as a One Star Foundation Sponsor. Pictured here with the award are Keagen Gilson (left) and Mylie Getter.

    Members of the Durand and Pecatonica FFA chapters attended the 96th annual Illinois State FFA Convention June 11-13 along with more than 5,000 other FFA members, advisors, and guests. With a 2024 theme of “United As One,” the three-day event annually recognizes achievements of Illinois FFA members, elects the […]


Rockton Pride offering special scholarship, social opportunities

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Rockton Pride began in June of 2023 after forming as a support system for all who are in the community of LGBTQ+ and allies. Reflecting back – A kick-off party was held at Rockton’s Village Green park on July 14 of 2023, following a virtual presentation […]


Hard Rock Casino Rockford permanent casino will open Aug. 29

	Hard Rock Casino Rockford’s permanent facility will be Thursday, Aug. 29, with a star-studded Guitar Smash, in Hard Rock tradition.

The highly anticipated opening of Rockford’s long-desired casino is almost here.  Hard Rock International today revealed the grand opening date for Hard Rock Casino Rockford’s permanent facility will be Thursday, Aug. 29, with a star-studded Guitar Smash, in Hard Rock tradition. The doors will open to the public at approximately […]


Byron FFA honored at state convention

	Agriscience Research - Animal Systems State Proficiency Winner: Thomas "Kade" Boatman. From left: father Tom Boatman, mother Tammy Boatman, Kade, and advisor Eric Tryggestad.

    Members of the Byron FFA chapter attended the 96th annual Illinois State FFA Convention June 11-13 along with more than 5,000 other FFA members, advisors, and guests. With a 2024 theme of “United As One,” the three-day event annually recognizes achievements of Illinois FFA members, elects the major state […]

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