Author Archive: RvpAdmin

5/8/19 Scoop Today

5/8/19 Scoop Today



5/9/19 West Shopper

5/9/19 West Shopper

5/9/19 East Shopper

5/9/19 East Shopper



Pecatonica H.S. Hosted a “Distracted Driver” Presentation at a Pre-Prom Assembly

Pecatonica H.S. Hosted a “Distracted Driver” Presentation at a Pre-Prom Assembly

Pec students hear distracted driving presentation The Pecatonica High School (PHS) hosted a “Distracted Driver” Assembly Thursday, May 1, 2019. PHS was honored to have Robert Smith, Pecatonica Chief of Police, Bill Hintz, Winnebago County Coroner, Captain Carl Heintz, Illinois State Police District 16 Commander, and Steve VanVleck, Pecatonica Fire […]


Winnebago H.S. WRAMPS Club Held Their 3rd Annual Drive 4 UR School Fundraiser

Winnebago H.S. WRAMPS Club Held Their 3rd Annual Drive 4 UR School Fundraiser

WRAMPS Club raises over $2000 for ‘Bago athletics By Doug Schroder CORRESPONDENT The Winnebago High School WRAMPS Club held their third annual DRIVE 4 UR SCHOOL fundraiser at New Life Bible Church, located on Rt 20 and Hoisington Road, this past Saturday, May 4. From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. […]


Byron City Council To Meet Wednesday, May 15th at 6:30pm

Byron City Council summer works plan working By Chris Johnson REPORTER The Byron City Council will meet on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 p.m. in open session and among its duties, will work to assure that the summer plan for improvement is progressing. There are always other projects that get […]


Stillman Valley H.S. Bass Fishing Team

Stillman Valley H.S. Bass Fishing Team

2019 Byron Prom Court

2019 Byron Prom Court

The Gathering Draws Visitors to Macktown Despite the Snowy Weekend

The Gathering Draws Visitors to Macktown Despite the Snowy Weekend

The Gathering draws visitors to Macktown despite the snowy weekend By Jean Seegers REPORTER Despite snow and cold temperatures over the weekend, reenactors pitched their tents, cooked their meals over a campfire and chatted with their neighbors and friends during The Gathering at Macktown. Visitors watched history unfold as the […]


STEM Classes Help Kids Develop Skills For The Future

STEM Classes Help Kids Develop Skills For The Future

STEM classes help kids develop skills for the future By Jean Seegers REPORTER After putting in a full day of first grade classes at Ledgewood School, a group of seven -year old students weren’t ready to call it quits. As part of the after-school STEM Program Entrepreneurship class, they had […]

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