7 more Harlem student-athletes moving on to compete in college By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Seven student-athletes representing the tennis, basketball/track, football, wrestling, volleyball and bowling programs at Harlem High School have signed national letters of intent to attend colleges and universities in the Midwest. Another large crowd turned out […]
Rivermen get chance to re-direct course with AFC By Chris Johnson REPORTER The spring-sports season has truly just begun for the Pecatonica-Durand Rivermen, even though many baseball games have been held over the past few weeks and practice for the season opened even before February closed. A lot of consistent […]
Winnovation Team 1625 reports regional results Winnovation’s weekend in La Crosse, Wis. on April 13-14 was filled with hard work and excitement. The team made the three-hour journey north, taking a total of 26 students. All of these students had a great time interacting with the teams from six […]
Illinois State Police make arrest in fatal crash that took the life of Trooper Brooke Jones-Story Stephenson County State’s Attorney’s Office approves felony charges of reckless homicide and operating a commercial motor vehicle while fatigued-causing death Illinois State Police (ISP) officials announce the arrest of Craig W. Dittmar (M/55) […]