Author Archive: RvpAdmin

Counting down a victory

Counting down a victory

Winnebago’s John Murray looks at the clock before pinning Mendota’s Ty Connelly in the 132-pound match during their meet at Byron Thursday, Jan. 18. (Photo by Randy Stukenberg)


BHS music department receives donation

BHS music department receives donation

The Byron High School Choir and Theatre departments have been given a generous donation of $3000 from the Megan Clift Memorial Fund established at the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. Megan was a member of the Byron’s choirs and theatrical productions in middle school and high school before she was […]


Pecatonica development committee organizes funding plan

By Chris Johnson Correspondent By the March meeting of the Pecatonica Village Board, the Pecatonica Economic Development Committee has to have its 2018 Fiscal Year Budget in place. They have to know where the available dollars will be going and for what purpose they will be designed. The Economic Development […]


Rescue Training continues in freezing cold weather

Rescue Training continues in freezing cold weather

By Anne Eickstadt Editor The Belvidere Fire Dept. was out in Belvidere Park over the course of three days to practice their cold-water rescues in the river. Firefighter/engineer Dan Drall is a certified rescue diver and was supervising the training. “Part of our yearly training, cold water rescue will include […]


Poplar Grove official seeks countywide support to address hunger

By Bob Balgemann Reporter The new president of the Belvidere-Boone County Food Pantry board is going to municipalities around the county this month, asking for support of a united effort to reduce hunger, especially among children. His first stop was at the Jan. 2 Belvidere City Council meeting. Locally, one […]


Machesney Park hits the ground running as a new year unfolds

By Bob Balgemann Reporter The new year only is a few weeks old, but the village of Machesney Park has a whole host of items on its “to do list.” Most of them are being carried over from 2017, when the village enjoyed a productive year on a number of […]


1/18/18 Beloit Shopper

1/18/18 Beloit Shopper



1/18/18 Cherry Valley Shopper

1/18/18 Cherry Valley Shopper



1/18/18 West Shopper

1/18/18 West Shopper



1/18/18 East Shopper

1/18/18 East Shopper


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