
By Kathryn Menue


On Friday, Nov. 25, the Belvidere Fire Department received a call at 10:43 a.m. for a house fire at 616 E. Pleasant St. in Belvidere. The house fire occurred in a single-family residence while the owner wasn’t home.

“Neighbors noticed smoke coming from the home and notified the fire department,” Belvidere Fire Department Chief Al Hyser said. “When we first got there, neighbors pointed to his [the homeowner’s] bedroom and were sure he was there.”

Firefighters searched the home and found no one in the residence, so they deployed a single hose line and extinguished the flames.

“The fire was under control in the first 10 minutes of fire department arrival,” Chief Hyser said.

The quick extinguishment came from the speedy response of not only the Belvidere Fire Department, but also Boone County Fire District II, Marengo Fire Department, Lifeline Ambulance, and EMA.

These first responders kept the fire contained to the basement with only a small extension to the bathroom above the basement.

“Damages are estimated to be $20,000,” Chief Hyser said. Due to these damages, the homeowner was displaced from his home, but is able to stay with family and friends until it is safe to return to his residence.

The fire is believed to have started from faulty electrical wiring.

“Most important, no one was hurt-residents or first responders,” Chief Hyser said.

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