Girls Golf Co-op

By Kathryn Menue


The Belvidere varsity girls’ golf co-op team faced off against Rock Falls High School on Wednesday, Aug. 31. In the match, the girls won by a substantial margin of 40 points over the Rock Falls girls. Belvidere finished with an overall score of 178 to Rock Fall’s 218.

“Congratulations to the girls’ golf team for beating Rock Falls High School 178 to 218 in Rock Falls,” Coach Dan Koenings said.

The girls did their coach proud with the usual athletes in the top four for overall team score.

“Morgan McNulty was the medalist with a 40,” Coach Koenings said.

Following behind McNulty were teammates Maddie Sturm with a 43, Sara Redig with a 44, and Natalie Altintop with a 51. Combined, they created the low team score of 178 points.

“I believe 178 is a school record,” Coach Koenings said.

Not far off the leaders were teammates Christine Chustak with 56 points and Rachel Nelson with 55 points.

Rock Falls’ varsity girls’ golf team couldn’t keep up with Belvidere’s low-scoring athletes.

The top finisher for Rock alls was Kylee Ricketts with 51 points, followed by Bree Johnson with 53 points, Adison Wolf with a 54, and Payton Law with a 60.

Rock Falls’ other athletes just fell more behind the leaders with Jessie Clevenger finishing with a 66 and Mahala Larson finishing with a 67.

The Rock Falls junior varsity didn’t do much better. The Belvidere junior varsity team defeated Rock Falls 175 to 203.

The Belvidere junior varsity consisted of three athletes comprised of Angelica Gaj, Haley Luckow, and Jada Garza.

Gaj finished in first, just off the leaders of the varsity team, with a total of 52 points. Garza followed in second place with 61 points, and Luckow took the third slot for the team with 62 points.

The three athletes from Rock Falls’ junior varsity team couldn’t catch the Belvidere girls, with Rock Falls’ lowest score being a 64 from Caitlin Wolber. Following behind the Rock Falls junior varsity leader were Rosie Salgado with 69 points and Taylor Stevens with 70 points.

Coach Koenings was thrilled with the turnout from both the varsity and the junior varsity girls.

“Great job, ladies,” Coach Koenings said.

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