By Kathryn Menue
BELVIDERE – On Tuesday, April 12 at 4 p.m., Alicia Pecora, a senior at Belvidere North High School and a Running Start student, committed to running track for Berry College in Rome, Ga.
For Pecora, the choice of Berry College was a no-brainer.
“It was my first choice,” Pecora said, with her mother piping in that “it was her only choice.”
“I did have a plan-B, but that was it,” Pecora said.
Much of her decision came from the fact that she loved the southern weather and she has family down there.
“That’s where she was born,” Pecora’s father said. “She’s going back to her roots.”
The final commitment came when she visited the campus.
“I went down there on Spring Break and met the coach.” Pecora said. “It was a good factor to see the track and facility.”
Surrounded by friends, family, coaches, and teammates, Pecora sat down to sign her commitment to run track at Berry College starting in the spring season of 2017.
Before she signed, BNHS Athletic Director Jody Flynn presented Pecora’s accomplishments to Pecora’s group of supporters.
“It’s always more important to me to mention academics,” Flynn said as he read off Pecora’s achievements including her being a member of the National Honor Society, the English Honor Society, and a Scholar Athlete for the past three years. Her performance outside of the classroom included her competing in track and cross country for four years, being in varsity track since her sophomore year, running in two nationals with the Belvidere Tornadoes, and also finding time to work at McDonald’s part-time.
After sharing her academic, athletic, and personal achievements, Flynn opened commentary to Pecora’s coaches and peers.
“Congratulations! I am so proud of you,” Coach Hunter said. “Alicia is one of the hardest working members on the team. She’s a great teammate. She’s been a great leader getting the other girls to stretch.”
“She was one of the people I could really count on,” Coach Husser said. “It was really nice to see her and a couple others step up to lead us to a conference trophy.”
Both coaches admitted the track and cross country season definitely would be different without her.
“I can’t believe it has been four years already,” Coach Hunter said. “Have a great time in college and enjoy the warm weather.”
“Next season when you’re not here, you will be missed,” Coach Husser said.
Pecora’s friends and teammates only had wonderful things to say about her as well.
“We’ve been friends for 10 years, ever since we shared a locker together in third grade. We’ve had a lot of great memories over the years. Even though you’re going to Georgia, we’ll still be friends.”
“The first thing I learned about Alicia is her work ethic,” her boyfriend said. “That’s what I admire about her. Don’t change.”
Her parents couldn’t have been more proud of her.
“It’s nice to hear what I already know about my child,” Pecora’s mom said. “Words cannot express how proud I am of your achievements. I always say, ‘If you’re going to shoot for the moon, go above and beyond’ and she’s a good example of that. Alicia, when she sets her mind, she goes for it and doesn’t back down. Alicia, all I can tell you is: be the best that you can be.”
Her dad had the same sentiments.
“I appreciate all the kind words. It’s something I’ve seen in you for a long time,” her father said. He continued to share how proud he was of her when she was in middle school and came in third to last in a race, since she was dealing with an injury of a fractured knee. She didn’t give up.
“Things don’t always work out, but if you put in the effort that’s really how you build who you are,” her father said.
Pecora was very grateful for all of the kind words and praise.
“I just want to thank everyone who came out today. I love you guys,” Pecora said. “I want to thank all of my coaches for shaping me into the person I am today.”
These next steps in Pecora’s athletic and academic careers have been a long time coming. Pecora began running when she was a young girl and now her goals are coming into realization as she trades in her crimson and navy Blue Thunder uniform for the blue and white of the Berry Vikings.
She will join Berry College in the fall pursuing a major in nursing to use toward her overall career goal of a Pediatrician Practitioner, where she would like to work with young children in a hospital setting.

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