bball2By Kaila Olsen


BELVIDERE – On Friday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. the Belvidere North varsity basketball team played against Rockford’s East (ERabs). The Blue Thunder Boys went into Friday night’s game with a record of 0-14, and the ERabs went into the game with a record of 4-10.

The start of the game began with East, Chris Burnell, #32, making a two point layup. Belvidere North followed-up by attempting a two point shot, but missed. East started to bring the ball down the court, but Belvidere North stole the ball back. Belvidere North’s Rylen Kirk, #22, attempted to pass the ball, but threw it to East. East’s Allen Robinson, #21, made a three point shot during the possession.

Belvidere North then fouled Robinson resulting in a free throw that didn’t score any points, but allowed for Robinson to recover the ball and score a two-point lay-up.

Blue Thunder’s Matt Konkler, #2, was finally able to put some points on the board for his team with a two point basket. East player, Alex Moore, #4, came right back with two baskets after he was fouled by Belvidere North and made both of his free throw shots, which brought the score to 2-9.

The Blue Thunder Boys attempted to score but missed, but North recovered the rebound and Kirk, made a three point shot, making the score 5-9.

East also made a three-pointer, with only 2:13 left in the first quarter, when ERabs’ Scott Gowan, #23, got the rebound from an East shot attempt.

East then managed to steal the ball back, and Robinson, shot and made a two point basket. The period ended 5-13 in East’s favor.

In the beginning of the second period, Belvidere North and East battled with the ball by stealing back and forth before North finally scored with a two-point lay-up, but East quickly came back with a two-pointer of their own.

Then, with only six minutes left of the first half, East fouled on North, which gave the ball back to the Blue Thunder Boys. The ERabs immediately stole the ball back and made another two point shot, bringing the score to 7-17.

Upon East’s score, North and East continued in their pursuit for the win very sloppily. Foul upon foul occurred from both teams resulting in one score from North.

As the clock ticked down, East’s Robinson came back with another three points. Belvidere North’s Sebastian Gutierrez, #10, followed that play by shooting and making a two point layup, bringing the score to 9-21. The ERabs then shot and made a three point basket.

Belvidere North followed that play with a two point layup making the score 11-24. After that layup, North fouled East player Gowan. Gowan made both of his free throw shots.

With only 47 seconds left of the first half, North’s O’Connell threw the ball to Evan Waddell, #12, who made a two point layup. The half ended with East still in the lead 13-26.

The start of the third period began with North scoring two, two point baskets.

Fouls continued throughout the game, resulting in more free throw scores for East.

Next, North’s Corbin Gustafson, #15 was fouled and scored one of his two free throw shots. East came back with a two pointer, ending the third period with a score of 18-30.

With the third period winding down, another foul resulted in a point for East made by Laquavien Taber, #25, changing the score to 18-31.

North came back with a two-point-lay-up from Jake Bannon, #5. East’s Kei’von Evans, #15, scored a lay-up for his team after gaining possession after North’s score. Evans also made two free throw points upon being fouled toward the end of the third period.

The third period ended 25-40 in East’s favor.

The fourth period began with Belvidere North’s Stewart, #3, making another three pointer. East followed that play with a two point layup, but North scored again upon being fouled in their next possession.

East came back by scoring back to back two pointers, but North was able to regain some points upon more free throw shots.

Belvidere North’s, Gustafson, came back and scored three points and Kirk made two free throws upon being fouled, bringing the score to 35-46 in East’s favor still.

North bridged the gap again with Cameron Chadwick, #12 scoring three points, making the score 38-46.

Despite North trying to make a comeback, they couldn’t keep control and kept committing fouls resulting in more scores for East.

The game finally ended with another Belvidere North loss, 40-50.

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