A representative from Benny’s Corner Market (left) makes their $500 donation to Meridian Junior High School. The donation was made possible through an Alliance Grant from U.S. Energy.

    Benny’s Corner Market is proud to announce a $500 donation to Meridian Junior High School, made possible through the Alliance Grant from U.S. Energy. This contribution reflects the market’s ongoing commitment to supporting local education and investing in the future of education in the Meridian CUSD #223 community.

    Benny’s Corner Market was selected as a recipient of the U.S. Energy Alliance Grant, which provides funding to local businesses to give back to their communities. With education at the heart of its mission, Benny’s chose to direct the grant funds to Meridian Junior High School, helping to enhance student resources and programs.

    Meridian Junior High School plans to use the funds to purchase student incentives in order to promote academic achievement. Mrs. Speakers, Principal of MJHS expressed gratitude for the donation, “We are very grateful for Benny’s and their commitment to education.  We look forward to using this money to honor student achievements and will continue to celebrate our students’ hard work and dedication.”

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