Basketball on court

Basketball on court

By Kaila Olsen
ROCKFORD – On Friday, Feb. 5 at 5:30 p.m., Belvidere North’s sophomore basketball team played against the Rockford Guilford Vikings.
The Vikings took the lead quickly, setting themselves up with seven points before North made a three pointer to get on the board.
North’s advance on the Vikings’ lead was thwarted when Guilford came back with another score, two free throws after being fouled by North, another two pointer, and another layup.
Belvidere North was finally able to add points to his team’s score with two more two pointers.
Guilford came back strong with two more two pointers of their own to end the first period.
The second period began with two points for Guilford.
With 3:50 left of the second period, North and Guilford went back and forth scoring two pointers.
The third period began with Guilford increasing their lead with three more points, while North was only able to manage a two pointer.
Guilford scored again, and made a free throw after being fouled while shooting. Before North could try to make a comeback, Guilford stole the ball and scored yet again.
With 4:50 left of the third quarter, Belvidere North and Guilford went back and forth with two and three pointers to end the third period.
The fourth quarter North started to bridge the gap with a two pointer, one score off of a free throw and a three pointer.
Guilford wouldn’t stand for a comeback, so they made another layup and scored two shots off of the free throws.
However, North wasn’t ready to quit. Blue Thunder came back with a three pointer and a free throw.
Guilford scored another four points and North scored another layup as the buzzer sounded to end the game.
North gave it their all, but lost 35-62.

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