Fishing derby

By Jean Seegers


ROCKTON – A little rain didn’t keep a group of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts from participating in the annual Fishing Derby at the Race in Rockton, Saturday morning, June 4.

Beginning at sunrise and continued through the noon hour. Over 20 young fishing enthusiasts took part in the fishing derby. Competitors were divided into three age groups of Boy Scouts, three age groups of Girl Scouts and finally:  boys against girls.

Boy Scout Troop 622 leader Louise coordinated the event with the assistance of several volunteers including avid fisherman Bud Andrews.

Several years ago, a group of fishermen, including Andrews, founded the now-defunct Top of the Rock Fishing Club. Each year funds raised by the club were donated to the Rockton Boy Scout Troop 622.

A few years later, Girl Scouts became part of the program.

A floating trophy, named after Ron Hiatte, one of the Top of the Rock founders, is presented each year.

“The girls have won the floating trophy every year for the past 24 years,” Glon said. But it wasn’t to be this year. This year the boys took away the prize trophy.”

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