Byron Forest Preserve to offer ‘Keeping Feral Swine out of Illinois’ Zoom lecture

Feral swine, also known as Eurasian boar or feral hogs. These invasive animals are not native to North America and pose a huge threat to native ecosystems and agriculture operations.
The Byron Forest Preserve District will be offering a free Winter Lecture on Sunday, Feb. 14 starting at 2 p.m. via Zoom.
Peggy Doty, Environmental and Energy Educator, University of Illinois Extension will talk about feral swine, also known as Eurasian boar or feral hogs. These invasive animals are not native to North America and pose a huge threat to native ecosystems and agriculture operations.
While there are no known feral hog populations currently in Illinois, increasing feral swine populations in neighboring states and climate change is making their appearance in Illinois more and more likely in the future.
This program will provide information about the history of feral swine in America and the concern regarding their impacts on Illinois land, fish, wildlife and farming if these animals arrive. The talk will also cover current research on feral swine and successful methods of removing them.
The access this lecture, email the Byron Forest Preserve District at [email protected] to register and receive the link and password for join this Zoom program. Call 815 234-8535 extension 200 for more information.