Byron Museum unveils new exhibit, announces more events

The Byron Museum of History is unveiling a new veteran exhibit called “Hell on Wheels,” featuring local farmer Everett Jones who served as a medic in Europe during WWII.
The Byron Museum of History unveils the new veteran exhibit called Hell on Wheels, featuring local farmer Everett Jones who served as a medic in Europe during WWII.
Everett E. Jones graduated from Leaf River High School in May of 1942, and a little over four months later he enlisted in the U.S. Army, mustering in at Fort Sheridan, Ill., in Lake County. Jones completed training as a Medical Technician and by December of 1942 he began service with the medical detachment of the 67th Armored Infantry Regiment 2nd Armored Division, famously known as Hell On Wheels.
The Division, with Pfc Everett E. Jones, had entered Sicily in July of 1943. After that campaign it relocated to England in preparation for the D-Day incursion into France. By July of 1944 the 2nd Armored Division was fully engaged in combat on the continent.
A true patriot, Jones earned both silver and bronze battle stars and several service ribbons, mustering out at Camp Grant in Rockford, in November of 1945. He purchased a farm northwest of Byron on Egan Road, which he operated for decades with his wife Rita.
Among the items to be displayed are a Walther P-38 pistol and holster that Jones brought back from Europe and a map showing the routes taken by Hell On Wheels.
Festival of Trees 2024
Admission for this event is free; anyone can visit and enjoy the holiday trees on display during this year’s festival. It begins Friday, Dec. 6, with Miracle on 2nd Street, an annual family-friendly event which takes place in downtown Byron.
This year the Indoor Market vendors will be setup in the Theater 5 to 8 p.m.
The Byron Museum invites businesses, civic organizations, churches, and other groups to register for the Festival of Trees. This is an opportunity to share information about your organization, advertise an upcoming event, or promote a business.
There is always room for one more tree. Registration and set up deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 4. For more information on Festival of Trees, please call the Museum at 815-234-5031 or visit the museum’s website at to print a registration form.
The display of trees continues through December. Visitors are invited to view the trees during regular museum hours, Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The beautifully decorated trees will not be judged but are voted on by the visitors that attend opening night. Stop in to cast a vote for the People’s Choice awards and be a part of the Byron Chamber’s Miracle on 2nd Street.
Indoor Market
Enjoy this local shopping opportunity on Friday evening, Dec. 6, from 5 to 8 p.m. and Saturday morning, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Vendor booth space is sold out
New this year: market vendors are invited to setup in the theater before the Festival of Trees begins. Visitors can still vote for their favorite trees and then exit through the market.
Wrapped with Love
The regular Indoor Market will also take place on Saturday morning, Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Byron Women’s Club will be in the theater lobby offering free gift-wrapping on Saturday only.
The Byron Museum of History is located at 110 N. Union Street in Byron. It is dedicated to preserving the Byron area’s rich history through exhibits, programs, and artifact preservation. The Museum Complex consists of a large exhibit hall with varied displays and encompasses the historic Read House, which is a listed Underground Railroad site on the National Park Service’s Network to Freedom.