By Christopher Johnson


Pecatonica District 321 Superintendent Carl Carlson along with the elected representatives of the School Board of Education came to a consensus on semester supervision this past session.

When the decisions were cast, a Curriculum Director was designated to oversee system education practices for the 2021-2022 school year.

Kim Hansen, who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Northern Illinois University along with a Master of Educational Leadership from Aurora University, said she had spent nearly 15 years working with students and looks forward to continuing that effort in Pecatonica.

“I have been in education since 2008, but I have spent the past ten years of my career teaching English/Language Arts in grades 7-12 at a rural school in Lee County.”

The duties of the Curriculum Director will involve guiding the process of learning, which includes supervision, use and submission of new tools.

Testing and readiness measures will also be incorporated, Hansen explained.

“The fall MAP testing window is open from Aug. 30 through Sept. 10. We will be measuring where the students are at, in their learning, after the summer break.”

Throughout the school seasons, different quarters of the school year will mean new testing goals will be reached. The information collected helps draw a plan to provide students, teachers and staff the additional support they need to succeed.

Applications of those measures across the Pecatonica School District will be overseen by the new and focus-readied Curriculum Director.

“My job is to ensure that the principals, teachers, and staff have what they need to help students succeed. I will be procuring curriculum tools, programs and textbooks as well as assisting with testing and assessments.”

One of the other important duties a Curriculum Director carries, Hansen explained, involves assuring those who work most directly with students, are using the correct tools, correctly

“I will be training and assisting teachers in perfecting their classroom practices. I look forward to serving Pecatonica CUSD 321. Let’s make it a great year!”

In a “getting-to-know-you” post through online digital doorways, the new Curriculum Director shared a snapshot of herself and expected workload

She additionally stressed that she will be doing her best to keep the community informed on the hard work that students and staff are putting in to achieve education excellence.

“As we move forward, I will be creating monthly newsletters. If you have any questions, at any time, please contact me. A decision by the majority vote of District Trustees helped secure the seat for the former teacher-turned-leader.

Other decisions, including the support of the State of Illinois indoor mask mandate where also passed for approval by members of the leadership council.

Superintendent Carlson had stressed that all of District 321 locations would follow the mandates put in place by the State of Illinois Executive Leadership Board.

On the District 321 website,, information on current District practices and expectations can be found.

The Board of Education holds regular monthly meetings, which are open to the public, on the third Monday of every month at 7 p.m., unless indicated differently.

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