Belvidere Republican

Belvidere seeks additional revenue for pension payment hike

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin delivered some disturbing news to committee of the whole members at their Oct. 24 meeting. Here are the salient points: Numbers A $233,513 increase in police and fire pensions is being projected for the 2017-18 fiscal year. The tax levy […]


Boone County Community Foundation presents $88,850 in grant funding

Boone County Community Foundation presents $88,850 in grant funding

By Kathryn Menue EDITOR Bright and early at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 3, Belvidere Area Chamber of Commerce members braved the foggy drive to the Boone County Historical Museum for the annual Belvidere Area Chamber of Commerce Grant Breakfast. Despite the tired eyes from everyone staying up late to […]


IOU Club Hosts Annual Halloween Parade

IOU Club Hosts Annual Halloween Parade

By Anne Eickstadt, REPORTER Parade participants were not the only people in costume during the IOU Club’s Annual Halloween Parade on Sunday evening, Oct. 30. Adults and children along the Parade route rejoiced in the opportunity to dress up. The Parade began at the corner of N. State and Boone […]


Halloween Treats Plentiful in Candlewick

Halloween Treats Plentiful in Candlewick

By Barb Appelhans, REPORTER  As per tradition, Candlewick Lake hosted their trick-or-treat night the Sunday before Halloween (Sunday, Oct. 30) with trick-or-treaters flooding the streets from 2 – 6 p.m. The Candlewick Lake Association decided to do trick-or-treating on the Sunday before Halloween to make it safer for the children. […]


Belvidere Menus for Week of November 1

Breakfast menus Elementary schools Monday, Nov. 7-Miniature chocolate chip French toast, chilled applesauce cups, 100 percent grape juice, and a variety of milk. Tuesday, Nov. 8-Apple cinnamon muffin, seedless raisins, 100 percent orange juice, and a variety of milk. Wednesday, Nov. 9-Miniature blueberry waffles, ripe banana, 100 percent apple juice, […]


Belvidere Planning Commission Handles Variety of Issues

By Bob Balgemann, REPORTER  Outdoor storage at a supplier for Chrysler, another video gaming parlor, and an animated sign were among the issues dealt with during the most recent meeting of the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission. Each received a recommendation for approval and was presented to City Council on […]


Historic Election Awaits Boone County Voters on Tuesday

Historic Election Awaits Boone County Voters on Tuesday

By Bob Balgemann, REPORTER  It’s being said that the likes of Tuesday’s Presidential Election has never been seen before and likely won’t be seen again. Whatever the case, the battle between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump for President of the United States is expected to produce big numbers […]


Belvidere Bucs Soccer Team Defeats Grayslake North High School

Belvidere Bucs Soccer Team Defeats Grayslake North High School

On Tuesday, Oct. 25 the Belvidere High School Boys’ Soccer Team traveled all the way to Grayslake, Ill. to take on Grayslake North High School. Belvidere came out victorious winning the game 2-1.  As per usual with Belvidere’s game play, the first period went by without any scores from either […]


Bucs Shot to Last Day Misses Mark

By Chris Johnson, REPORTER  With a season ending mark of 4-5, the Belvidere Bucs missed the 2016 post-season. They joined with many other NIC-10 squads who were home on opening night, including cross-town rival Belvidere North. The final game was played for a handful of veteran players, preparing to move […]


Growth Dimensions Searching for New Executive Director

By Bob Balgemann, REPORTER Jarid Funderburg became Executive Director of Growth Dimensions in Belvidere in October 2014. Now, two years and one month later, he has departed to become Strategic Philanthropy Officer for OSF Health Care in Rockford. His departure was announced at the Oct. 19 meeting of the Boone […]

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