By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Long-awaited improvements to Menomonie Street, near the public safety building, are finished. According to Alderman Clayton Stevens, who broached the subject at the Monday, July 25 meeting at city hall, the discussion will continue at the Monday, Aug. 8 Committee of the Whole (COTW) meeting. He […]
By Kathryn Menue EDITOR In July, the Boone County Veterans Club held their 10th “Support Our Troops Rally” where they raised $1,900 to aid veterans and military personnel currently serving the United States. The Boone County Veterans Club decided to use $900 from the fundraiser for postage in shipping 25 […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Jarid Funderburg, Growth Dimensions Executive Director, had plenty of good things to say about the economy in the City of Belvidere. Growth Dimensions is the marketing arm of the county and its municipalities. Funderburg told the city committee of the whole Monday, July 25 that things […]
By Kathryn Menue EDITOR Throughout the last two weeks of July, the University of Illinois Boone County Extension Office in partnership with the Belvidere YMCA, Boone County 4-H, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) brought the Illinois Junior Chef Program to the Belvidere community. According to Extension Educator Lisa […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Every so often, it’s necessary for the city to rehabilitate its digester. That’s part of equipment at the waste water treatment plant that reduces effluent to sludge, which then is removed and applied to farmland at various locations in Boone County. This project was on […]
Friday, July 29 Jefferson Prairie Lutheran Church, located at 23184 Bergen Road in Poplar Grove, will host Lutherdale Fish Fry from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Trinadora Duo, comprised of Jannie Nelson and Ron Holm, will rock with guitarist John Bishoff and drummer Tim Austin, of Becoming the […]
Joe Carlisle served the Belvidere community for 40 years as a family doctor. He was born in Edwardsburg, Mich. to Harley and Ida Runkle Carlisle. He was the youngest of five siblings. The family relocated to Michigan City, Ind. when his father bought the Carlisle Funeral Home. He attended Indiana […]
By Kathryn Menue EDITOR On Monday, July 18, Kim Krawczyk, of Poplar Grove, started a new journey by opening her own coffee shop: Poplar Grind. “My first day was wonderful,” Krawczyk said. To commemorate the opening of her new business, Krawczyk held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, July 23 […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER The General Assembly has taken a first step by approving a temporary budget. State Rep. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, said that includes a full year of funding for K-12 education and money to keep various state departments going until January 2017. After that, from the Boone […]
By Kathryn Menue EDITOR Illinois State Representative candidate for the 69th District, Angelique Bodine, has made it her mission to get the Illinois Anti-Corruption Act on the ballot for the November election. Bodine began her quest on Feb. 9 at the Boone County Finance, Taxation, and Salaries Committee meeting. From […]