Belvidere Republican

Belvidere Park District hosts Day Camp Carnival

Belvidere Park District hosts Day Camp Carnival

By Kathryn Menue EDITOR On Wednesday, June 29, the Belvidere Park District held a carnival day for the kids of the Belvidere Park District Day Camp. The carnival took place at Belvidere Park behind the Rivers Edge Recreation Center facility, located at 1151 W. Locust St. in Belvidere. The carnival […]


Major Logan Avenue improvements to get more discussion

Major Logan Avenue improvements to get more discussion

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER It’s been about 16 years since Logan Avenue was resurfaced. Given that, City Public Works Director Brent Anderson said that “the surface is reaching the end of its useful life.” City aldermen, sitting as the committee of the whole, weighed in on the upcoming project during […]


Stateline Fury 10U softball team scores another win

Stateline Fury 10U softball team scores another win

By Michael Armstrong SENIOR OPERATIONS MANAGER The Stateline Fury 10U softball team from Roscoe, Ill. won the USSSA Northern Illinois State Championship tournament held Friday, June 17 through Sunday, June 19 at Sportscore I in Rockford. The team went 6-0 and outscored their opponents 60-5 to take their first ever […]


Petition urges passing bill to help keep schools open this fall

Petition urges passing bill to help keep schools open this fall

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Many schools throughout Illinois just ended the 2015-16 term and are facing an uncertain future. Given that, state Rep. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, has launched a petition drive aimed at drumming up support for a stopgap bill, which would provide school districts with the funding they need […]


Raymond James joins Fortune 500

Raymond James joins Fortune 500

Fortune recently released its 2016 Fortune 500 list, recognizing Raymond James among America’s largest companies by revenue. Raymond James’ appearance on the 2016 Fortune 500 at No. 482 marks the firm’s first ranking on the list with more than $5.3 billion in total revenue for the 2015 fiscal year. The Fortune 500 is […]


Paint on State returns for Heritage Days

Paint on State returns for Heritage Days

By Kathryn Menue EDITOR After being such a big hit in its premier year at Heritage Days 2015, Paint on State returned with a bigger crowd of participants leading the painting event down State Street in Belvidere. The event was held on Saturday, June 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 […]


Weekend events for Friday, July 1 through Sunday, July 3

Weekend events for Friday, July 1 through Sunday, July 3

 Friday, July 1 The Summer Cinema series will continue at the Baltic Mill Stage with Ghostbusters II. This film event is free to attend. Grab a blanket, fill up your picnic basket, and bring your friends and family to attend with you from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The movie […]


Heritage Days offers activities for kids to love

Heritage Days offers activities for kids to love

By Kathryn Menue EDITOR From Friday, June 24 through Sunday, June 26, Heritage Days provided three days of fun-filled activities for kids to enjoy. The fun spread all across Belvidere with activities ranging from West Chrysler Drive in Belvidere, to the downtown strip, and even to the Boone County Fairgrounds. […]


Dean, Lores Gunn celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary with card shower

Dean, Lores Gunn celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary with card shower

On Monday, July 11, Dean and Lores Gunn will celebrate 65 years of having and holding. To help them celebrate, you can send a greeting to them at: 140 Gladys Court, Belvidere, IL, 61008. These greetings would bring much joy to their hearts. Thank you!


Buchanan Street Pub, Belvidere Fire Department put on Heritage Days events

Buchanan Street Pub, Belvidere Fire Department put on Heritage Days events

By Matt Helm REPORTER The Belvidere Fire Department held a fire truck pull and water fights on Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for Heritage Days. Buchanan Street Pub provided special deals and refreshments during the events. “The Fire Department approached me about working together for Heritage […]

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