By Bob Kopp BDR Sports Correspondent BELVIDERE – The smallest school with the biggest heart in the NIC-10 did it again as expected. Knocking the conference’s largest school off its undefeated pedestal before a packed homecoming crowd, Belvidere followed last week’s 14-7 thumping of now previously undefeated and second largest […]
By Shelby R. Farrell Reporter BOONE COUNTY – The officers, deputies, and sheriffs who work countless days and nights to keep the county safe will be by the state’s budget crisis. At Boone County’s Special Finance, Taxation, and Salaries Committee Budget Hearings on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, the committee […]
By Kathryn Menue Editor BELVIDERE – Concordia Lanes, located at 1205 Logan Ave. in Belvidere, hosts the junior bowling league where children can come each week to enhance their bowling skills. Concordia Lanes has four different categories based upon age and skill. As of right now, Concordia Lanes does not […]
POPLAR GROVE – The Daughters of the American Revolution’s Asa Cottrell Chapter of Boone County will be joining EAA on Oct. 11 for our Veterans’ Breakfast to recognize our veterans, particularly those who served in the Vietnam War. The DAR has a long history of supporting veterans, and they will […]
CHERRY VALLEY – On Tuesday, Oct. 6, shortly after 9 p.m., Patrol Officers from the Cherry Valley Police Department responded to residence in the 700 block of Clayton St., in reference to a home invasion. The female victim told officers that she heard her unlocked front door open and thought […]
By Bella Wandtke Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – This was my first year in 4-H, but I already really like it! I joined 4-H for the art. I wasn’t going to join, but my mom told me that there was a lot more to 4-H than just showing animals. Boy, […]
By Austin Brockmann Guest contributor BELVIDERE – This is my first year taking the Citizenship project. I thought I would explore a new area and help me in my personal growth. Taking on a new project can be very interesting and rewarding. I did not know what this project would […]
By Ray Hildebrandt Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – Showing dairy has taught me a lot of important values that I will carry throughout my life. The values consist of hard work, caring for animals, and responsibility. I consider myself fortunate for the ability to show cattle for my enjoyment. I […]
By Lisa Rodgers Reporter ROCKFORD- On Oct. 10, Bergstrom Inc. and The Salvation Army of Winnebago County cordial invite all area veterans, active military, their guests as well as the general public to attend Stars and Stripes: A Salute to Our Veterans from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the […]