Belvidere Republican

Make-A-Wish® Illinois grants wish to boy with life-threatening illness

ROCKFORD- Miles, 8, is a happy little boy from Rockford. His favorite activity is creating buildings with Lego blocks. When lunch time nears, Miles enjoys snacking on his favorite treat, blue yogurt. In early spring of 2014, Miles was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a life threatening progressive muscular disease. […]


Make-A-Wish® Illinois grants wish for boy with life threatening illness

ROCKFORD- David Stim, 13, of Rockford is a fun loving young man who enjoys an active lifestyle. In his free time, David enjoys snowboarding, skateboarding and running. When David is not on the move, he likes to relax by watching funny videos online. His family describes him as a, “friendly […]


University of Illinois Extension hosts Farm Stroll

BOONE COUNTY – Are you wondering where to find local food and farm products in Boone County? Satisfy your local food cravings and curiosities on the Boone County Farm Stroll.  The stroll is a self-guided tour of a dozen diversified family farms located in Boone County. The University of Illinois […]


Vintage Wings and Wheels Museum announces upcoming event

POPLAR GROVE – The Vintage Wings and Wheels Museum is very excited to host an evening with Captain Chuck Downey and Carl Johnson on Monday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. Captain Chuck is a Distinguished Flying Cross Medal Recipient and the youngest Naval Aviator of World War II. Captain Chuck […]


Police and sheriff department’s release crime briefs

BELVIDERE – On Aug. 17, at 4:02 p.m., a Belvidere Police Department (BPD) Officer responded to the PSB in reference to fraud. BPD Officer spoke with the complainant who stated she received and deposited a check for a table she was selling on Craigslist. The buyer told the complainant that […]


Belvidere Police Department makes arrest

BELVIDERE – On Friday, Aug. 29, the Belvidere Police Department arrested a subject for predatory criminal sexual assault of a child and criminal sexual abuse. On Friday, Aug. 29, the Belvidere Police Department, Illinois State Police, and the Boone County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation which led to Arturo Indoval, […]


Boone County 4-H announces dairy show results

BELVIDERE – The Boone County 4-H announced the winners from the Boone County Fair Dairy Shows. The Supreme Calf Champion Award, donated by Javurek Chiropractic, was awarded to Emily Irwin of Belvidere. The Reserve Supreme Calf Champion went to Brock Irwin of Belvidere. The Calf Champion Registered Holstein Award, donated […]


Boone County Conservation District hosts annual Autumn Pioneer Festival

BELVIDERE – The Boone County Conservation District in Belvidere will hold the 34th Annual Autumn Pioneer Festival on Saturday, Sept. 26 and Sunday, Sept. 27 at the Roger Gustafson Nature Center and Festival Grounds located at 603 N. Appleton Road. Travel back to the 1800s and learn about the lifestyles […]


Belvidere North boy’s golf defeats Boylan

POPLAR GROVE– The Belvidere North High School boy’s golf team defeated Boylan in an incredibly close game at home at Timber Pointe Golf Club in Poplar Grove at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 26. Belvidere ended up winning by two points in a total of 164 to 166. Belvidere North […]


County fair politics: Who’s Bernie Sanders? Just ask some of the folks in Iowa

County fair politics:  Who’s Bernie Sanders? Just ask some of the folks in Iowa

  By Bob Balgemann Reporter BELVIDERE – There was some excitement Sunday in a couple of the political booths along the Midway, as the 156th Boone County Fair came to a close. Those in the booths produced their iPhones to show the most recent poll had Democrat Bernie Sanders running […]

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