STATELINE – Big Dogs Xtreme 14U Softball will hold tryouts on Saturday, Aug. 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and will hold another round of tryouts on Tuesday Aug. 4 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for their competitive travel team’s 2015 through 2016 season. Tryouts will be at Machesney […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter BELVIDERE – The Boone County Health Department for the past seven years has hosted a farmers market in the grassy area off Logan Avenue, just past the county administration building Amanda Mehl, the department’s director of personal health services, said this year the market, held July […]
Bob Balgemann Reporter POPLAR GROVE – So far this summer has been a mix of sometimes rainy, sometimes cool and sometimes hot days. Saturday, July 25 was a reminder that this is the good old summertime when the Poplar Grove Lions Club played host to the 46th Neighbors Night Festival […]
By Shelby R. Farrell Reporter POPLAR GROVE – North Boone Fire District No. 3 heated up the town of Caledonia with their annual chicken barbecue fundraiser on Sunday, July 26. The all-volunteer fire station in Caledonia barbecued about 2,000 pounds of chicken and raised about $4,000 at the 41st annual […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter BELVIDERE – Finding money for unexpected expenses has been difficult for Boone County officials in recent years, but they were resolved in finding the dollars needed to continue the drug court program, which was started in 2014. The employee assigned to that function already had been […]
BELVIDERE – You won’t want to miss this year’s truck and tractor pull on Thursday, Aug.13 at the Boone County Fair in Belvidere. The pulls have become a long running tradition at the county fairs. They run all day long and are located at the grandstands. The morning and afternoon […]
BOONE COUNTY – A Boone County man was arrested Friday July 24, on state charges related to child sexual abuse and child pornography. This arrest resulted from an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Boone County Sheriff’s Office. Tyler McIntosh, 26, […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter BELVIDERE – State Rep. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, was in town Wednesday morning, July 15 to talk about the continuing budget impasse in Springfield. Ironically, he was at the monthly breakfast meeting of the Belvidere Area Chamber of Commerce held at the Keen Age Center on Henry […]
BELVIDERE – Any BNHS student interested in trying out for/playing a fall sport will need to attend the parent/athlete meeting on Wednesday, July 29. All incoming freshman and students new to North will need to attend starting at 5:45 p.m. in the gym. At 6:45 p.m. all athletes and parents […]
BELVIDERE – On Wednesday, July 29 the Belvidere High School will host and incoming freshman and new students sports rules meeting at 6 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. From 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. there will be a Sport Specific Meeting for freshman through senior athletes. At the meeting, […]