Belvidere Republican

Harrison Market Gardens welcomes public to pick food out of their garden

Harrison Market Gardens welcomes public to pick food out of their garden

By Emily Hamlin Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau Ag Communications Intern STATELINE – World War II started the promotion of Victory Gardens, ways to be self-reliant when it came to food production. As people started providing enough food for themselves, their family, relatives and friends, these gardens permitted the government to ship […]


Annual flea market draws big crowds yet again

Annual flea market draws big crowds yet again

  By Kathryn Menue Editor BELVIDERE – On Saturday, June 27, from 3 p.m. to midnight, people of Boone County and the surrounding areas gathered around the Boone County Fairgrounds to enjoy the gems awaiting them at the “Mid-nite Flea Market.” Vendors sold toys, posters, pictures, signs, games, antiques, collectable […]


Thursday, July 16

Thursday, July 16

The Animal Friends Society of Boone County will hold a “Disaster: Animals need Help” night at 6:30 p.m. at the Belvidere Township Building located at 8200 Fairgrounds Road. The special event will feature Jennie Lindeman a speaker from D.A.R.T. This event is open to the public.


The City of Murals brings younger artists to paint the streets

The City of Murals brings younger artists to paint the streets

By Kathryn Menue Editor BELVIDERE – On Saturday, June 27, Heritage Days presented a new activity for the Boone County youth to enjoy. Paint on State premiered in downtown Belvidere with tons of children participating in the artistry event. Paint on State let youngsters paint a four-foot-square anywhere from the […]


Heritage Days Car Show a memorial to Kraig “Doc” Bryan

Heritage Days Car Show a memorial to Kraig “Doc” Bryan

By Bob Balgemann Reporter BELVIDERE – Kraig “Doc” had been gone for little over a year but his memory lived on last weekend, during the annual Heritage Days celebration in downtown Belvidere. He had been involved with the festival’s car show for a long time prior to his death of […]


Kirkland-Hiawatha All-School Open House 2015 marks 10th Anniversary 

Kirkland-Hiawatha All-School Open House 2015 marks 10th Anniversary 

KIRKLAND – The year 2015 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Kirkland-Hiawatha All-School Open House – a milestone year for all past graduates and past attendees to be sure to come — on Saturday, July 4, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the LRC (Hiawatha Elementary Learning Resource Center) […]


Illinois Tollway breaks ground on new full-access Irene Road Interchange

Illinois Tollway breaks ground on new full-access Irene Road Interchange

BOONE COUNTY – On Friday, June 26 at 2 p.m., the Illinois Tollway and officials from the city of Belvidere and Boone County, along with state legislators, broke ground on the final ramps needed to complete the $13 million, full-access Irene Road Interchange on the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90). […]


Bill to reduce juror fees caught up in legislative process

Bill to reduce juror fees caught up in legislative process

By Bob Balgemann Reporter BOONE COUNTY – A bill that would ease the sting of a new state law increasing juror pay continues to be pending in Springfield, but it isn’t likely to be acted upon this year. Senate Floor Amendment 3 to House Bill 2641 has been referred to […]


Despite high bids Boone County hopes to build animal control shelter this year

Despite high bids Boone County hopes to build animal control shelter this year

By Bob Balgemann Reporter BELVIDERE – The lowest bid came in $282,300 higher than expected. Yet the Boone County Roads and Capital Improvements Committee still is hoping the new animal control services building will be constructed before year’s end. Committee members voted 4-1 during a special meeting on Monday night, […]


Heritage Days 2015

Heritage Days 2015

Go Kart Results:   A great day for go kart racing on the 1/14th mile  tri-oval in Belvidere as part of their Heritage Days festival . Hundreds of people watched on and enjoyed the bumper to bumper competition.   The feature winners:    Kid kart 6-8 years old:  #70  Ellie […]

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